
You are correct that the existing server editor does not provide extensions
to easily implement an outline view.  You are more than welcome to open an
enhancement request.  Submitting a patch will definitely help to speed up
the process.  We are already on M7 for Juno so any new API will require PMC
approval and based on the discretion of the PMC members.

Let me know when you have the patch submitted and I'll evaluate for the
possibility of putting for PMC approval.

Regarding to the question on determining the server type, what is the
object (and type of the object) that you want to get the server type from?


Elson Yuen, P.Eng.
RAD and WebSphere Server Tools Lead
IBM Toronto Lab
Tel: (905) 413-2689, T/L: 313-2689

From:   Miles Parker <>
Date:   04/18/2012 07:24 PM
Subject:        [wtp-dev] Support for outline views..
Sent by:

Hi all,

I'm copying a msg I sent to the forums. This might be a more appropriate

For Virgo, we want to support an outline for the Server editor. First, I'm
surprised that this isn't provided OOTB. Perhaps there is something we need
to implement that we haven't? I also couldn't find any extension points to
plug into the outline provider.

I was able to adapt generically for the server editor to our own outline
page implementation, e.g.:

Code: [Select all] [Show/ hide]




But then when implementing the adapter itself, I discovered that there
doesn't seem to be any easy way in API to determine what the server type
is?  So if I implement this, I'm going to really be providing an outline
view for any server editors, which of course we shouldn't be doing.

What if anything is the pattern for this? Ideally, WTP would provide an
outline with a parent node for each page and then perhaps allow page
contributions to provide a content provider or something..

In fact, we could contribute such a thing to WTP proper, but a concern
would be how quickly a patch might be able to get through the process, esp.
given proximity to Juno.


Miles T. Parker
Committer, Eclipse Mylyn and Virgo
Project Lead, Model Focussing Tools and AMP

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