Hi Gorkem,

Many thanks for your answer!

At first I would like to speak about VSCode which is very very fast even
with big files. Why it is so fast when file is edited? The answer is that
it doesn't parse the file to build an AST for syntax coloration, folding,
match bracket, etc.
So when you open a big js, typescript, json file in VSCode the editor
display the content of the file without syntax coloration. The compute of
the token (done with TextMate and cached) is done in background and when
compute is finished, the editor is colorized. With Eclipse which uses
tokens scanner we have not this problem, because it's very very fast even
with big file.

Indeed, I have created my own editor at
and the very cool thing is that JSDT provides JavaScriptTextTools that I
can use to support syntax coloration. The good news is that it's very very
fast. When I open big file like
https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/master/lib/tsserver.js the
colorization is done without freeze.

With JSDT 2.0.0 editor, the open of
https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/master/lib/tsserver.js takes
30 seconds every time (not only the first time). So my conclusion is that
when a file is opened in the editor, it must NOT parse the content of JS
file to create an AST like JSDT does. The parse of the AST should be done
in background.

But you will tell me that if we do that, we loose some feature like code
folding which is based on AST (IJavaElement). How VSCode support folding
without building an AST? The answer is that VSCode cheat a little:) It
support folding by using indentation. So if you write:

function a() {
  var b;

The folding is done for function. But if you write

function a() {
var b;

The folding is not done. I like this idea and I will implement it in my own

So I have decided to implement my own editor but based on some JSDT
features like syntax coloration by using JavaScriptTextTools. I tell me if
JSDT could provide a lightweight JavaScritpt editor which supports commons
features like syntax coloration, folding, match bracket which don't need
the use of the AST.

The JavaEditor could extend this lightweight editor and build an AST (on
background if possible). After that other project could use this
lightweight JavaScript editor.

In other words, I think JavaScript editor should never parse the content of
the opened file to build an AST in order to that when user opens a big
files, the editor doesn't freeze. The AST should be done in background and
completion should be available only when this AST is built.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but it's my first feeling. What do you think
about this idea?

Regard's Angelo

2016-04-04 15:34 GMT+02:00 Gorkem Ercan <gorkem.er...@gmail.com>:

> On 4 Apr 2016, at 7:24, Angelo zerr wrote:
> Hi max,
>> many thanks for your answer.
>> 1) double parsing problem (one parse on JSDT client side and a second
>>> parse
>>> on tern server/tsserver). I would like to avoid the parse on JSDT client
>>> side
>>> why not work on reusing the AST already available on client side and pass
>>> it to server side ?
>>> To do that we need a common JavaScript Engine. For ternjs, node.js ->
>> J2V8
>> -> Nashorn for performance.
> I think a common AST model is sufficient for reducing parsing.
> EsprimaParser(our java wrapper around esprima.js) actually has the ESTree
> model
> that tern.js uses, it discards it at the moment after converting to DOM
> AST model.
> I think we can hold it (as JSON) to pass to tools like tern or eslint
> which uses ESTree AST model.
> I think the real problem is, at least at the time I have looked at it,
> tsserver does not work with AST’s but files directly.
> So we could use J2V8, but it will require that we must implement some
>> node.js module like "fs" which are consumed in some tern plugins for some
>> features (like completion for required module)
>> For TypeScript, in my case I use tsserver which is linked to node.js. I
>> could implement my own Language Service Host (as TypEcs, and Eclipse
>> TypeScript have done), but I think it's a bad idea:
>>  * VSCode works with tsserver and tsserver manage a lot of logic like the
>> use of tsconfig.json
>>  * tsserver is available when you install TypeScript, so with
>> typescript.java, it's very easy to change version of TypeScript
>> (with TypEcs, and Eclipse TypeScript, you need to recompile the plugins,
>> and you are not sure that it works) .
>> Thought that was one of the advantages we could do know by using esprima
>>> to parse client side.
>>> 2) peformance problem with big file which can take 30 secs (see
>>> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=490898)
>>> That one does look nasty.
>> Yes I know -(
> Is this with a cold parse. We already know that nashorn is slow on the
> first few executions
> until JVM/JIT optimizes.
>> 3) disable validation of the WTP Validator because Esprima throw errors
>>> with TypeScript syntax (ex: var s: string) and tsserver is able to
>>> validate
>>> js, ts files.t).
>>> If this internal AST cannot be disable (with an extension point?), I tell
>>> me if I must implement my own editor (I would like to avoid doing that).
>>> Since you are doing TypeScript I think you'll need to *anyway* as long as
>>> Eclipse
>>> don't have a generic editor fwk to extend. But Gorkem and guys knows
>>> better what
>>> is feasible.
>>> You mean that I should implement my own TextEditor?
> I am looking at the enhancement requests you have filed for typescript.
> 490429 [Mark occurences] override mark occurrence
> 490427 [formatter] CodeFormatter extension point
> 490426 [outline] Override content outline
> 485321 Extension Point to delegate refactoring
> 479807 More extension for Find References (Ctrl+Shift+G)
> 470328 Extension point to delegate JSDoc "Generate Element Comment"
> 482888 Disable JSDT Hyperlink with extension point
> 482971 Disable some javaCompletionProposalComputer with a new extension
> point
> Looking at the list I am actually having trouble finding the features that
> you want to
> use from JSDT Editor. Perhaps implementing a new editor is the way to
> proceed.
> Regard's Angelo
>> /max
>>> http://about.me/maxandersen
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