New problems reported last week

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. NoStackTrace in FileBufferModelManager.revert 18 Unconfirmed Unknown -
2. TeamException below ContentTypeWrapper.getContentType (thrown in RepositoryProvider.mapNewProvider) 2 Unconfirmed Unknown -
3. AssertionFailedException in ModelManagerImpl.getExistingModelForRead 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
4. ClassFormatError below SocketUtil.isPortInUse (thrown in ClassLoader.findBootstrapClass) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
5. ClassFormatError in SocketUtil.isPortInUse 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
6. ClassNotFoundException below ExtendedConfigurationBuilder.createExtension (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
7. FileNotFoundException below FacetedProjectFrameworkImpl.create (thrown in FileOutputStream.open0) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
8. FileNotFoundException below FacetedProjectNature.configure (thrown in FileInputStream.open0) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
9. FileNotFoundException below FacetedProjectNature.configure (thrown in FileOutputStream.open0) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -
10. IOException below StylesheetLabelProvider.<init> (thrown in BundleInfo$Generation.storeContent) 1 Unconfirmed Unknown -

Active problems last month

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. IOException below FormatActionDelegate.processorAvailable (thrown in ContentDescriptionManager$LazyFileInputStream.ensureOpened) 500+ NEW normal 492640
2. FileNotFoundException below PublishHelper.copyFile (thrown in 500+ NEW normal 464295
3. NullPointerException below BasicStructuredDocument._fireDocumentAboutToChange (thrown in ProjectionDocument.normalize) 321 ASSIGNED normal 464794
4. NoStackTrace in ProblemLog.reportMissingFacet 279 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
5. NullPointerException in AnchorHyperlinkDetector.detectHyperlinks 272 NEW normal 475680
6. NullPointerException in StructuredTextEditor.createModelDependentFields 249 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
7. NullPointerException in XMLMultiPageEditorPart.pageChange 214 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
8. NullPointerException below Validator$V2.updateResults (thrown in LinkedList$ 208 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
9. AssertionFailedException below ConfigurableContentOutlinePage.setConfiguration (thrown in StructuredViewer.assertElementsNotNull) 206 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
10. ResourceException below TaskListUtility.getValidationTasks (thrown in Marker.checkInfo) 184 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
11. NullPointerException in AnnotationHoverProcessor.getHoverInfo 183 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
12. IllegalStateException below StructuredTextViewer.modelLine2WidgetLine (thrown in ProjectionMapping.toImageLine) 179 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
13. NullPointerException in ComponentCoreURIConverter.newPlatformURI 178 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
14. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException below StructuredDocumentTextStore.replace (thrown in System.arraycopy) 175 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
15. SWTException below ModuleAssemblyRootPage.refreshProblemsView (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 162 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
16. ZipException below InstallableRuntime2.copyWithSize (thrown in 160 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
17. AssertionFailedException below MarkerManager.createMarker (thrown in MarkerInfo.checkValidAttribute) 154 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
18. OpenFailureException below WorkbenchContext.loadModel (thrown in CommonarchiveFactoryImpl.openSpecificArchive) 143 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
19. OperationCanceledException in HTMLValidator.validateFile 142 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
20. IllegalArgumentException below CatalogContributorRegistryReader.resolvePath (thrown in Matcher.appendReplacement) 138 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
21. NullPointerException in FacetedProjectFrameworkImpl.deletePreset 137 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
22. NullPointerException in GlobalCommandManager.getTimestamp 133 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
23. NullPointerException below XMLSourceParser.reset (thrown in StringReader.<init>) 130 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
24. AssertionFailedException below StructuredPresentationReconciler$InternalListener.documentAboutToBeChanged (thrown in Position.<init>) 123 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
25. NullPointerException in ServersView2$ 123 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
26. NoStackTrace in ProjectFacetsUiManagerImpl.readImagesExtensions 122 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
27. NullPointerException in ADTComboBoxCellEditor.applyEditorValueAndDeactivate 120 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
28. ClassNotFoundException below ContentAssistsManager.addContentAssists (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 112 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
29. ResourceException below WorkspaceTaskScanner$ (thrown in Resource.checkExists) 107 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -
30. CoreException below StructuredTextEditor.doSetInput (thrown in ResourceFileBuffer.create) 106 UNCONFIRMED Unknown -

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