In regards to your first question I think the thought process behind
that design was that I wanted something robust enough to be able to
handle any web testing. I didn't want to have to write if statements for
each control on each page so after researching I figured the easiest way
would be to write libraries for each control type and then within those
libraries handle every event that could be raised for each object type.
Basically those are the core elements I felt that were needed to run a

Secondly, for CruiseControl, all you need to do I smodify the config
files to include your xsl files and then write your xsl files to be able
to parse your xml and create the output. It was actually quite simple.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris McMahon
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] A testing framework

Hi Sergio

> I recently spent sometime coming up with a simpler way to test my
> running from nant and using xml as the test. I would love to get some
> feedback on what ones think or ways that it can be improved. I have
> the entire framework for your review.

At a glance, I can see what you're doing here.  (Although I'm sure I
fail to grasp the finer points from such a quick look.)   If you don't
mind a couple of questions...

Your XML tests seem to contain 3 elements, control_type,
control_object, and control_action, of which some take parameters. 
What drove these design decisions?  That is, it seems efficient and
useful in context, I wonder the process by which you arrived at this

Also, I'm about to have to integrate some Ruby (not Watir) tests with
CC.NET, and it would be great to hear what you had to do to get your
Ruby code to interact nicely with CruiseControl.


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