We use CruiseControl (continuos integration tool) on Windows; the
machine is configured to autmatically login on startup. If you choose
to go with CruiseControl, I'd recommend not to run in windows service
mode - we has some issues with watir opening IE windows in that mode.


On 1/20/06, Paul Czyzewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to set up Watir to run unattended?  I'm having troubles
> > trying to do this using a Scheduled Task.
> Hi,
>   I started looking into this a month ago and sidetracked.  However,
> it appeared that a scheduled task *would* work, but not if the
> computer (desktop) was locked.  I don't remember the error message,
> but it appeared to be that the browser wouldn't launch if the desktop
> was locked, so it may be the same thing you saw.
>       Since setting a computer to never lock is a security issue, we
> think we've going to have such a machine in the server room, where
> it's physically secure.
>   hope this helps.
>         Paul Czyzewski
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