Regular expressionliness is next to godliness.
# This next line will set its_there to true if, in the html for the page, it sees
# the string "customerID=" followed by any seventeen characters, and
# (courtesy of the parens) will set $1 to whatever those seventeen
# characters are.
its_there = ie.html =~ /customerID=(.{17})/
# and if its_there is true, myvariable will get the value assigned to it
    myvariable = $1
There may be a more elegant way to do it (say, by getting the inner_text of the link and parsing that), but the basic principle is that regular expressions are your friends.
---Michael B.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Carvalho
Sent: February 9, 2006 4:14 PM
Subject: [Wtr-general] How do you find a specific string in an HTML page?

Hi there, I am trying to find a way to find a particular string in an HTML page and save it to a variable.  It seems simple enough, but I can't find the commands to help me do it yet.

Our Dot-Net app assigns Unique ID's to various objects within the system.  For example, if you create a new Customer in an Order-Taking system, the new Customer is assigned a unique ID (let's call it "customerID").  When I look at the HTML page, I see that UID in various places.  For example:
(a) within a "div" tag (within a custom attribute unrecognised by Watir)
(b) within an "a href" link (part of the URL - e.g. "http://www.../../ShowCustomer.aspx?mode=edit&customerID=1234asdf-5678hjlk")

I know that I can use the contains_text() to look for text on the page.  I can also use ie.frame("frameName").html.to_s to capture the contents of the frame.  So how can I tell Watir to find the "customerID=" phrase and then capture the next [fixed-number] set of characters into a string variable?

Thanks in advance.


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