
I've been using Watir for about 6 months now and I may have a fix for 
this problem that I just wrote today for 1.4.1 and re-wrote tonight 
after finding the newer development sources.  I wrote a to_identifier() 
method which generates a string containing the full classes to find the 
current object to click.  This can then be run in another thread to do 
the click_no_wait().  Because the application I'm working on doesn't 
always have a unique title I also modified the 1.4 
attach_browser_window() function to also allow attaching to a running IE 
identified by :hwnd in addition to the normal :name or :title.  This 
*guarantees* that you are clicking in the same window that your current 
Watir process is working with.

Here's an IRB log of how it works after digging down to a button inside 
nested framesets:

irb(main):001:0> require 'watir'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> include Watir
=> Object
irb(main):003:0> (added to_identifier method here)
irb(main):022:0> my_ie = IE.attach(:title, /SAM/)
irb(main):023:0> frame1 = my_ie.frame('Main')
irb(main):024:0> frame2 = frame1.frame('workarea')
irb(main):025:0> button = frame2.button(:id, 'btnCont')
irb(main):026:0> button.to_identifier
=> "IE.attach(:hwnd, 198076).frame(:name, 'Main').frame(:name, 
'workarea').button(:id, 'btnCont')"

This method should be able to be added to the Containers module so it 
should work fine with elements in nested frames like above.

  def to_identifier
    current_object = self
    array = []

  # generate a string to identify the current object, suitable for 
passing to
  # an external process or thread for click_no_wait.
    while current_object and !current_object.instance_of?(Watir::IE)
      parent_object = current_object.instance_variable_get("@container")
      class_string = current_object.class.to_s.sub('Watir::', '').downcase
      how_string = current_object.instance_variable_get("@how").inspect
      what_string = current_object.instance_variable_get("@what")
      # Get object string (like "Button(:id, '<button id>')"
      array <<
         "#{class_string}(#{how_string}, \'#{what_string}\')"
      current_object = parent_object
    array << "IE.attach(:hwnd, #{})"

This is NOT a complete solution, as I didn't look at images yet, only 
the buttons and links.  Here's the snippet I added to 
attach_browser_window() in the case statement to allow to attaching to 
an IE instance by :hwnd:

      when :hwnd
        # find window by HWND
        log " hwnd is: #{aWin.HWND}"
        ieTemp = aWin if (what == (aWin.HWND))

David Schmidt

Yes, this problem will need to be fixed before we release Watir 1.5.


On 4/28/06, Rosalind de Vera < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


    I have a link in a frame that brings up a _javascript_
    popup-up. When I try to use click_no_wait, I get the
    following error:

    irb(main):015:0> ie.frame("topFrame").link(:text,
    "Reset Settings").click_no_wait
    NoMethodError: undefined method
    `eval_in_spawned_process' for
            from (irb):15

    Will this be fixed at some point? I saw a posting on
    March 24 by lyoungz in the forum asking
    about the same problem, but I didn't see a response.

    Thank you,
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