I got the SVN URL and checked out watir/trunk into RadRails, but I see 
that the repository is set up with what looks like "sub-projects".  I 
tried to grab just the watir project directory (watir/trunk/watir) using 
SVN, but got the following error:

    svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/watir/!svn/bc/982/trunk/watir'
svn: Processing PROPFIND request response failed: XML document 
structures must start and end within the same entity. 

Does anyone have a good setup for using RadRails for Watir, using the 
Subversion from within RadRails?  For now I'll load up an external 
Subversion client and see if I can import the projects from a local 
directory checked out using Subversion.


Bret Pettichord wrote:
> David,
> Zelko sent you the SVN url. Please send a patch (or attach it to a 
> Jira task).
> We'll need to make sure we have unit tests for your code before it is 
> committed.
> Appreciate the help!
> Bret

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