Hi Brett, thanks for the info…

I will try with Watir 1.5.. one question, all the scripts I’ve wrote with 1.41 will run in 1.5?


Another question… I realized that what I really need to click is not an image, but this:


<div align=center style="margin-bottom:10px;"><a href="" id="quitar6" style="visibility:hidden">Quitar</a></div></td><td width=20></td>

<div id="DIVImageFile_1" name="DIVImageFile_1" style="position: absolute;filter: alpha(opacity=0); top:47px; left:10px; width: 83px; height: 86px;">

<form name="frmImagen1"  id="frmImagen1" action="" method="post" encType="multipart/form-data" target="responseFrame">

<div style="filter: alpha(opacity=0); width: 83px; height: 86px;">

<input type="file" style="font-size:15px; height:80px; width:50px" size=1 id="newFile1"  name="as_image_file" value=""  >

<input type="hidden" id="FILEProductImageTmp_1" name="FILEProductImageTmp_1" value="">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="as_site_id" VALUE="MLA">

<!--INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="as_vsite_id" VALUE="MLA"-->

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="as_item_id" VALUE="21609120">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="as_image_path" VALUE="052006/">



Am I able to access the input type “file” with id “newFile1” in order to click it with a click_no_wait? (because this triggers a Modal Popup)



Thanks in Advance!



Rodrigo Julian Martin








From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bret Pettichord
Sent: Martes, 23 de Mayo de 2006 07:23 p.m.
To: wtr-general@rubyforge.org
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] [question] Accesing images?


On 5/23/06, Rodrigo Julian Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Bret, sorry for the lack of info.. I'm using 1.4.1

Just as a point of information, we did not support *modal* web dialogs in 1.4.1. So i initially thought you must be using a more current version. It sounds like you are actually using a *popup* web dialog. The terms for these things are confusing, but a modal dialog is a dialog that blocks access to the main page when it is active. (all modals are popups, but some popups are non-modal).

The error message you are reporting clearly represents a bug in Watir. Object nesting (e.g. accessing an image in a div) was also new back then, and has been much improved since. I suspect that is the reason for the error.

I suggest that you try this out with a 1.5 build.


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