Hey Jeff, nice suggestion - very intuitive syntax (not that I would know how to code it).
Hope you're enjoying yourself. Life is good here.
Jeff F

Jeff Wood wrote:
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 09 Jun 2006 06:35:36.0947 (UTC) FILETIME=[EAEA2C30:01C68B8E]
Date: 8 Jun 2006 23:35:36 -0700

actually, I would code up a "when" functionality just like endfix if
or unless ... then you could do

ie.link( :text, "Second" ).click when ie.link( :text, "Second" ).exists?

... or something like that.


On 6/8/06, Jeff Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Bret Pettichord wrote:

Specifically, I propose that where you currently do this:

while not ($ie.link(:text,"Second").exists?)
   sleep 0.5

 You would instead just do this


 And you would implicitly get the polling behavior that had been explicit.
The proposal is to change all the element methods, except (perhaps)

 It seems to me that "exists?" is a separate case. We should consider it

 Do we have agreement on the usefulness of the proposal, if no change is
made to exists?

 My question is: Do we take anything useful away by making $ie.link always
do this? If we have a configurable default timeout that can be set to 0 I
think we're fine.

 Here's what I'd like to see:
 1) Add a global configurable default time to wait for pages to load. I'd
propose leaving this at 0 seconds by default and letting people up it
 2) Add a new optional argument on $ie.link, where I can choose to override
that default:

     $ie.link_wait(:text,"Second").click  ## continues to
do what it's always done, unless I have deliberately changed my default page
wait. (Or if I've set my default page wait to (for example) 600 seconds,
it'll wait for up to 10 minutes on each page before giving up.)

     $ie.link(:text,"Second", 30).click  ## would wait up to 30 seconds for
the page to load before erroring out, regardless of my default page wait

 ...btw, I don't have a strong opinion on whether the default wait time
would be 0 or non-0. The question for me is which is least surprising
scenario: Someone who expects the script to error when a page doesn't return
quickly, or someone who expects the script to wait patiently while something
happens prior to page load.

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