Bret Pettichord wrote:
>     inetdavid (6/8/2006 9:38:31 PM): Just found a problem with
>     row_count with embedded tables. row_count counts *all* the rows,
>     even rows in sub-tables, while show_tables shows the correct count
>     because it uses a different method. I've first added a test to
>     show the problem (using table_test on table(:index, 3) of
>     table1.html) and I think I have the proper fix to just show/add
>     rows from within the current table. This is the right way to do
>     rows, but how do you want to make the change given that some folks
>     may have coded using the incorrect value? 
> This is
> My view is that we should do the right thing. This has been a common 
> complaint and i don't think there is really much value in trying to 
> retain the old, incorrect behavior. Is anyone depending on it?
> Comments?
I agree, but wanted to check with you before fixing the problem and 
possibly breaking some existing script.  However, I think it's more 
likely that Watir users have just learned to not trust row_count rather 
than depend on it's results where it may be in-accurate.

To demonstrate the problem you can load one of the unittest html files 
that contains a nested table (unittests\html\table1.html).  On that page 
table 4 is a sub-table of table 3, located in row 2, cell 1 of table 3.  
Table 3 has two rows and table 4 has 1 row, which is properly shown in a 

irb(main):004:0> ie.show_tables
Found 6 tables
1  id=      rows=2   columns=2
2  id=t1      rows=5   columns=1
3  id=t2      rows=2   columns=2         <==
4  id=      rows=1   columns=2           <==
5  id=body_test      rows=5   columns=1
6  id=pic_table      rows=1   columns=4
=> nil

The row_count for table 3 is not accurate though as it includes one row 
which is really inside table 4.  (The row_count for all other tables is 

irb(main):005:0> ie.table(:index, 3).row_count
=> 3
irb(main):006:0> ie.table(:index, 4).row_count
=> 1

The to_a method has the same problem.  You see the embedded table's 
values in multiple places, and the last array element is really an array 
from the embedded table.

irb(main):007:0> ie.table(:index, 3).to_a
=> [["cell 1", "cell2"], ["nest1nest2", "nest1", "nest2", "Normal"], 
["nest1", "
irb(main):008:0> ie.table(:index, 4).to_a
=> [["nest1", "nest2"]]

The reason for the different counts became apparent when I looked at the 
DOM calls available that are being used.  Using nested tables as an 
example, there is a "rows" call for tables, and that "rows" element has 
only two calls available:

irb(main):017:0> ie.table(:index, 3).document.rows.ole_get_methods.sort
=> [_newEnum, length]

This is the method used in show_tables, which is always accurate and 
gives you a count of how many rows are in the table.

However, the method used within Watir to get all rows is 
getElementsByTagName, which returns *all* objects with a given tag below 
the current element.

If you examine the DHTML Reference document for the TABLE Element 
you can see that the "rows" method returns a collection of "tr" elements 
for the current table:

irb(main):034:0> ie.table(:index, 3).document.rows.each do |row|
irb(main):035:1* print "\nNew row:"
irb(main):036:1> puts row.outerHTML
irb(main):037:1> end

New row:
<TR><TD>cell 1
<TD>cell2 </TD>

New row:
<TD>Normal </TD>
=> nil

This works as it should.  We can now re-code the Table#to_a method to 
properly iterate only over the proper rows.  However, the 
getElementsByTagName method is called from many different places within 
Watir, and one of the places is Container#locate_tagged_element, which 
uses getElementsByTagName for many different tag types.  The problem 
with this is that while the same method is used to get ALL tags of a 
given type, each DOM element has it's own *specfic* method to return the 
collection of specific child nodes (like "rows" for table rows, "cells" 
for table cells, etc).

I think we'll have to look at each of those calls to 
getElementsByTagName to see if the call is appropriate, and re-code each 
if not.  (The "show" methods can still use the getElementsByTagName 
because they can then show all sub-elements of the desired type, like 
the ie.show_tables method.)

I think the first step will be to create unit tests to show each of the 
problems and then put in the code to fix each of the count problems till 
all the unit tests pass.

Bret, do you want me to start on this?

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