I've been developing an application just fine, and in some machines  
in production after some successful runs ie.goto launches MSIE but  
nothing happens, there's just a blank page. Sometimes there is no  
trace, and sometimes we get something like

b/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.4.1/./watir.rb:1122:in `method_missing':  
unknown pr
operty or method: `visible' (WIN32OLERuntimeError)
     HRESULT error code:0x800706ba
       El servidor RPC no estß disponible.       from c:/ruby/lib/ 
ems/watir-1.4.1/./watir.rb:1122:in `set_defaults'

whish says that the RPC server is not available. RPC is listed as a  
running service however.

Did anybody have this problem? It is a stopper for my current project  
which is about to be deployed to the client.

-- fxn

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