I got it!  Microsoft changed the name of the pop-up title bar from 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' to 'Windows Internet Explorer'.  This should be changed in winClicker.rb or at least put in the FAQ.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cain, Mark
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:45 AM
To: wtr-general@rubyforge.org
Subject: [Wtr-general] IE7 and Popups


I have recently started having to regression test all our web applications using IE7 beta3.  Most everything seems to work except pop-ups (Confirms, Alerts, and Prompts).  This part of my scripts has worked well using the latest IE6 version, but does not seem to work in IE7.  Anyone else seeing this?  Or things like this?


Here is the method I am using:

  def startClicker( button , waitTime = 0.5)

    w = WinClicker.new

    longName = $ie.dir.gsub("/" , "\\" )

    shortName = w.getShortFileName(longName)

    c = "start rubyw #{shortName }\\watir\\clickJSDialog.rb #{button } #{ waitTime} "

    puts "Starting #{c}"

    w.winsystem(c )  





Mark L. Cain
LMIT - E*STARS® ~ Lead Test Engineer
1981 Snyder, MSIN: G3-62, Richland, WA 99354

"640 Kilobytes of computer memory ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates, 1981


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