Bret asks:
>What is a "ruby attach dialog"?

I was referring to the DOS/ruby.exe window that opens and scrolls through
all the window captions until it finds the File Open dialog.

>I'd be surprised if vmWare itself is the source of your problem. I'm pretty
>sure we have people here who have used it with Watir successfully. True?

I had my sysadmin upgrade the VMWare server to the latest version, and
updated my client as well, and this solved the problem.

VMWare looks to be a useful tool where I work for allowing the developers to
run acceptance tests without spending the time to configure their dev
systems and keep the tests up-to-date locally.

Original message:
>>If a regular page has a file_field control, everything works peachy.
>>But, the application also has pages where you can click a button and it
>>opens a dojo (a JavaScript toolkit) modal faux popup with the file_field
>>(the underlying page is disabled), and this is where I see the weird
>>When invoking field_field.set(), only the ruby attach dialog opens – the
>>standard IE File Upload dialog *does not* open.  It's not until the attach
>>dialog closes that the IE File Upload finally appears, and at this point,
>>the Watir script "hangs." (I suspect because there was no File dialog for
>>ruby to attach to)

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