On 7/25/06, Alan Ark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well using ie.show_active has given me very interesting results.
> What I had expected to be my text_field to be active was something totally 
> different.
> => "HTML Document     name=          
> id=ctl0_MainBody_PolicyHtmlEditor_designEditor
> src=about:blank     innerText=        \n"
> irb(main):305:0>
> Clicking on the various dropdown that let me choose the attributes of the 
> font displays what I expected - a series of select-one's
> Clicking on any of the font styling/formatting buttons (like Bold, 
> Strikethru, centered, left-justified) also returns the HTML document type.
> I'm going to play around with this a little more.  It is very interesting 
> though.

So it is.  You realize you have a frame or iframe there, right?
That's the "HTML Document" bit.
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