
I tried with ie.cell(:text, /Par/).click
but its not working.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 2:33 PM
To: wtr-general@rubyforge.org
Cc: Chintakrindi Meghanath 
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] Click on the Tab

You can use the cell text contents to find the cell to click:

table = ie.table(:index, 1)            # Find the tab table using some 
tab_cell = table.cell(:text, 'Parties')

If you know that this cell is the ONLY one with that text then you can 
just look for it anywhere on the page with:

ie.cell(:text, 'Parties').click

You can also regular expressions in the search:

ie.cell(:text, /Par/).click

David Schmidt

Chintakrindi Meghanath wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to click a "Tab" in my application . I tried with various 
> combinations, but couldnt succeed.
> Here is the source code can anyone help me ?
> I have to click on the "Parties" tab.
> <div id='Zeroth_HdrTabId' style='position:absolute;  left:0px; 
> top:12px; width:595px; height:300px; 
> z-index:1;align=left;visibility:hidden;'>
> <table width='595' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border=0 
> align='center'>
> <tr><td width='10'><img name='a' src='/tc/img/en/a.gif' width='10' 
> height='20' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/on_tab.gif'  class='blktext1' 
> align='center' valign='bottom'>Order<br><img name='a' src='a.gif' 
> width='1' height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
> align='center' valign='bottom'  
> onClick="displayTab('1','11','DefaultActionTab','');"  
> style='cursor:hand'>*Parties*<br><img name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
> width='1' height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
> align='center' valign='bottom'  
> onClick="displayTab('2','11','DefaultActionTab','');"  
> style='cursor:hand'>Transportation<br><img name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
> width='1' height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
> align='center' valign='bottom'  
> onClick="displayTab('4','11','DefaultActionTab','');"  
> style='cursor:hand'>Compliance<br><img name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
> width='1' height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
> align='center' valign='bottom'  
> onClick="displayTab('5','11','FifthChild_ListTab|FifthChild_ListDvv|ListTab|ListDvv','');"
> style='cursor:hand'>Holds<br><img name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
> width='1' height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
> align='center' valign='bottom'  
> onClick="displayTab('6','11','SixthChild_ListTab|SixthChild_ListDvv|ListTab|ListDvv','');"
> style='cursor:hand'>Line Items<br><img name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
> width='1' height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='81' background='/tc/img/en/tab_on3.gif'  class='blktext1' 
> align='center' valign='bottom'  
> onClick="displayTab('7','11','SeventhChild_ListTab|SeventhChild_ListDvv|ListTab|ListDvv','');"
> style='cursor:hand'>LineHolds<br><img name='a' src='tc/img/a.gif' 
> width='1' height='3' border='0'/></td>
> <td width='22'><img src='/tc/img/en/aro_right.gif' width='15' 
> height='20' border='0'  
> onClick="displayTab('8','11','EighthChild_ListTab|EighthChild_ListDvv|ListTab|ListDvv','');"
> style='cursor:hand'></td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> Thanks
> Meghanath
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