
That test works fine under so it may be a problem in 1.4.1 
that's been fixed since.

If you need to remain with 1.4.1 then perhaps you can try an alternate 
method to get to that cell? I don't have 1.4.1 loaded, but try 
ie.table(:index, 1)[1][1].exists? and see if that works in 1.4.1. (Find 
table with index of 1, then find row 1, column 1.)


Mike Townley wrote:
> Using the following HTML:
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>
> celltest
> </title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <table>
> <tr><td>test</td></tr>
> </table>
> </body>
> </html>
> I attach to the window and run ie.cell(:text, “test”).exists? and irb 
> returns false.
> ie.show_all_objects returns ‘nil’
> ie.show_tables returns:
> “Found 1 tables
> 1 id = rows=1 columns =1
> =>nil”
> I’m currently running ruby 1.8.2 and watir 1.4.1, which the test was 
> developed in.
> Thank you,
> Mike Townley

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