My environment:
watir 1.4.1
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25)


On 10/3/06, Matthew Hailstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I appreciate your response. I know watirmaker may not be very well
> supported, but I want to draw attention to the errors happening here.
> I may be using watirmaker, but I think the errors are because of
> watir's lack of support in multi-frame sites using extensive
> javascript. That is why I used the Google Calendar example. Please
> look again at the original posting and checkout the DEBUG statements.
> I think you'll find that they aren't specifically tied to watirmaker.
> I have noticed a lot of problems with mutli-frame sites in postings as
> well. Maybe this will shed some new light on the subject. Please let
> me know if I am off track, and where, if you find that I am.
> Regards,
> Matthew
> On 9/30/06, Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I find that WatirMaker is only useful to build a raw framework for a 
> > script. After stepping through your site, go into the created script, 
> > delete all the garbage (errors and failures) and then manually put in what 
> > is needed. The simpler the site, the fewer the errors. For a complex site 
> > the value is low.
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