I have a modal dialog with an OK button. When clicked, the modal dialog is 
dismissed and a Javascript alert window appears with a Close button. I want to 
click the Close button to dismiss this window.

What I am finding is that usig click_no_wait on the modal dialog OK button does 
not dismiss the modal dialog and the Javascript alert window never appears.

If I use click on the modal dialog OK button instead, the modal dialog is 
dismissed as desired and the Javascript alert window appears as desired, but 
the the enabled_popup method raises an exception on the line: 
Watir::until_with_timeout(timeout) do

Example code:

           ie.frame( "fraDataZone" ).image(:id,'imgAction0').click_no_wait 
#launches modal dialog
            if ie.modal_dialog.button( :id, 'imgOKButton' ).exists?
               ie.modal_dialog.button( :id, 'imgOKButton' ).click     # OK, 
dismiss modal dialog
            # Click OK button on Javascript Alert window (title is "Microsoft 
Internet Explorer")
            hwnd = ie.enabled_popup(5)
            if( hwnd )
                w = WinClicker.new
                w.makeWindowActive( hwnd )
                w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd( hwnd, 'imgFinishButton' )

This was run with the suggested modification to the enabled_popup method 
(adding the line: "include Win32" before the line "def 
enabled_popup(timeout=4). )

I have used sleep stmts to slow things down with the same results. How do I get 
both the modal dialog and Javascript alert window to be dismissed ?
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