Jlolis - you have read correctly, thank you for taking the time to read my 
giant descriptive post.  So in level three of my recursion I collected a total 
of 2670 unique links from our site - you can imagine then how big our site is - 
and I actually realized something that I don't know - according to my log, 
which has the "---" line right before the stack trace at the end, I could 
either be on link 129 or 130 - I don't log that until I'm done with the page.  
The number really shouldn't matter, but maybe it does.  I will have to look 
into that for certain.  And your second point is also correct.  I thought I 
explained that, I do use IE.goto([i]strLinkHref[/i]) to get to each page.

Now to answer your questions:

[b]Q.[/b] "If you attempt to go straight to that link (hard code some data into 
your loop to force it to go straight there) does it happen?"
[b]A.[/b] If I go straight to that link without my script, the page loads and 
everyone cheers.  I'll need to try injecting it in my script - but first I need 
to find out what that link actually is, which I don't know yet.

[b]Q.[/b] "If you slip in a link before 129, which one does it crash on?"
[b]A.[/b] Once again, I'll need to figure out a way to do this first - might 
need to write some funny code or something, but I'll give it a try and let you 
know for sure - it'll be added to my important tasks.  However I don't expect 
that it'll change where it crashes, though if it does, then I know that link 
might be suspicious!   Thanks for making me think - a second pair of eyes is 
always necessary, even in QA development.

[b]Q.[/b] "If you attempt to 'goto' the link by hand, does the browser close?"
[b]A.[/b] This brings me to a point I don't know yet, whether I die on link 129 
or link 130, because I don't know what link 130 is and my log says that it's 
actually probably 130 - I have made adjustments to my script to give me more 
info when it dies, so I hope I'll get something that can be more helpful in the 
long run.

Thank you Jlolis, these questions have stirred my thoughts.  And I'll get back 
to the forum when I know more.

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