vijay wrote:
> I am still unable to install Watir gem over Ruby 1.82.  After 
> uninstalling Ruby 1.85 and installing Ruby 1.82, when I give the command, 
> "gem install watir" or "gem install watir" in the folder where 
> the watir gem was downloaded, Windows is giving out an error message saying, 
> "gem is not a recognizable command or a batch file" (the error message that 
> comes when we type in a non-existant command in DOS).  

The most common cause for this error is that c:\ruby\bin is not in your 
PATH environment variable.  Try starting a new DOS shell, and that 
should pick up the environment that was set up by the latest Ruby install.

You can also try typing the full path - c:\ruby\bin\gem if I remember 
correctly (I'm on Linux at the moment), or c:/ruby/bin/gem.bat under Cygwin.

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