See below...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "aidy lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] little framework

> Paul Rogers says
>> the ParentClass would have methods to validate that everything is there, 
>> the title > is correct etc. It also has the code to do the translation of 
>> the descrptive  name ( > eg login_button) to the actual element ( 
>> button(:value , 'Login Now!')
> Very good idea. I have been struggling with the concept of making
> automated acceptance tests OO. What could I do? Have a Login class
> with a constructor containing ie.goto(url) - and extend that??
PMR --> id probably have a goto method for the class, that goes to the 
correct page, but some pages probably arent directly accessable from a url 
( the page displayed after submitting a form for example)   . In this case, 
the login page is quite likely to be accessible.

>> class MyLoginPage < SomeParentClass
> would you ever extend MyLoginPage or add additional methods to that
> class as needs occurr?
PMR --> Id add any methods I needed. Ive been wondering what to do about 
error messages on the login page. ( ie yo get a message that says "Pass word 
or username wrong" - is that a new class ( LoginPageWithErrorMessage < 
MyLoginPage ) , or part of the login class - I cant ddecide.
> Where do modules come into this framework?
PMR -->
I think I would do some thing like
Module UserScreens
class LoginPage...

class DoSomethingPage

Module AdminScreens

>> Bob Cotton from Rally has doe some similar type things, as has Elizabeth
>> Hendrickson. Another guy I have worked with also came up with something
>> similar, which makes me think this is sort of okay.
> yes, there are some people who you can more or less have complete
> faith in; but not many.
>> Ive also been using something like this for model based testing, which 
>> really is
>> kind of neat.
> I know nothing of this. Maybe off-topic. Would you consider this agile?
Chris already answered this - google for Harry Robinson - hes the expert.

> Would you mind me looking into these ideas, and if I tag your name on
> - blogging them or adding them to the wiki or something?
PMR --> go ahead !

> aidy
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