I hope this isn’t unappropriate but I figured that since it was a general 
community for WATIR it would be ok.

I have developed a small test engine for hanlding automated testing of 
application UI’s. I was looking to get some feedback on how it can improve. 
Here is the source forge link to the project: 

There is an installer for the latest release. Though the latest changes that I 
will mention next haven’t been released in an installer yet so you way want to 
get the latest files from the repository using SVN.
The goal of the engine is to provide a common testing engine to handle UI 
testing of any application type. So I have written application libraries that 
consume WATIR for Internet Explorer browsers and one that consumes AutoIt to 
handle testing against Windows EXE applications. The tests are written in XML 
currently but with the latest change I just made that is now configurable as 
well. So I only have an XmlScriptReader class but there could be an 
ExcelScriptReader, CSVScriptReader or whatever else and it could work the same 
way. Also the results are output in an XML format and there are XSL scripts 
available that would allow that data to be consumed by CruiseControl or other 
continuous integration systems.
Thanks again for any feedback that you can offer.
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