Hello Zeljko Filipin,

I am not able to find out the image.  So, I will post the '.html' of a link, 
which gives a tooltip when the mouse is hovered over it.  The 'link' is 
enclosed by a 'span' and the tooltip is present as the 'title' of the span.  
But how can I make sure that the tooltip, no matter whether it is present in 
the title of the enclosing 'span' or not, gets displayed on the screen, when 
the mouse is hovered over the link.

a.   The 'html' of the table that contains the link is:

<TABLE class=listQT cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><THEAD>


<TR class=listBodyQT>

<TD class=listCellQT><INPUT type=checkbox value=28 name=selectedNotes> </TD>

<TD class=listCellQT><SPAN class=listCellQT title="Note from Yolanda Dave.This 
is a public note.This is an additional note from Christina Bergman"><A 
 / 4/5/2007 </A></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

b.  The actual link is 'bergc1 / 4/5/2007'.

c.  The tooltip that will be displayed when the mouse is hovered over this link 

The html of the table that contains the link is: 'Note from Yolanda Dave.This 
is a public note.This is an additional note from Christina Bergman' (you may 
see this tooltip as the 'title' of the 'span' that encloses the link)

I sincerely hope that this information would help you.

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