I'm not familiar with the auto extender, but I'm assuming it works on
basically the same principle as this:
http://demo.script.aculo.us/ajax/autocompleter. If you use IE developer
toolbar on this page and enter text into the text field, you'll see that the
dom is updated with a div, id of contact_name_auto_complete, class
auto_complete which contains a list of names. The following script works and
might give you some idea how to procede:

require 'watir'
include Watir

ie = IE.start('http://demo.script.aculo.us/ajax/autocompleter')
ie.text_field(:id, 'contact_name').set('al')
ie.text_field(:id, 'contact_name').fire_event('onkeypress')    # need to
fire a key press event after setting the text since the js is handling
keypress events

# the li/lis tags are available in watir 1.5.1
puts ie.div(:id, 'contact_name_auto_complete').lis.length
puts ie.div(:id, 'contact_name_auto_complete').li(:index, 5).text
ie.div(:id, 'contact_name_auto_complete').li(:text, 'Alan Jochen').click



On 4/10/07, rkkanneganti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a particular field in which  values are displayed through Auto
extender (.net) ie in the field if i start entering alphabets like "A or
a"  a drop down list of names starting with "A or a" will be displayed.
Likewise if i enter "R or r" next to "A or a" list of names starting with
"AR or ar" will be displayed.

My problem is that out of the displayed values in the list i want to pick
one value thru watir script. Here i can set or enter the value i desired
directly into the field, but it won't solve my purpose. So i have to pick
the value from the displayed list only.

any help would be appreciatable.

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