Fletch wrote:
> I have been looking for a solution to this problem, and was wondering if 
> anyone could give me some advice.
> I noticed yesterday that WATIR did not pay any attention to the maxLength of 
> the text_field.
> I have tried using name.set("abc") and name.value = "abc" but both are still 
> going over the allowed limit.
> The solution that I have come up with (and it is not a good solution) is to 
> truncate the name.
>         nameSize = name.size
>         maxSize = frame.text_field(:name, 'Name').maxLength
>         if (vinSize > maxSize)
>             puts("Bigger than maxLength - #{vinSize} -- #{maxSize}")
>             name = name[0, maxSize]
>         end
> This does the job in so far as the maxLength limits are observed, but is 
> there a better solution to the problem?
This has been a frequently mentioned problem. I think we should consider 
it a defect in Watir. Please go ahead and open a Jira ticket on it, and 
we can go ahead and fix it.

The TextField#set method should limit to max length automatically.

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