Hello people,

As part of testing with Watir, I want to check whether a particular tab (in a 
table) is in a 'clicked' (one that is currently clicked) state or in a 
'disabled' (greyed-out or inaccessible ) state.  I am not able to distinguish 
between a that is clicked and a tab that is disabled using the existence 
(.exists?) or the enabled/disabled (.enabled?/.disabled?) functions, the only 
two functions that I could think of for finding a solution.  

To be more precise, 


returns 'true' and 'false' for the 'Instructions' tab that is in a 'clicked 

$ie.frame('Detail').cell(:text,'Step 2.Inventors').exists? 
$ie.frame('Detail').cell(:text,'Step 2.Inventors').enabled?

returns 'true' and 'false' for the 'Step 2.Inventors' tab that is in a 
'disabled state'

Since both these answers are same, how to differentiate a 'clicked' tab from a 
'disabled' tab through Watir?

Thanks for your time,
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