I think the error message may be misleading. I think the problem may 
actually be caused by the use of frames. Can you show us the code that 
is failing?


Michael Kernaghan wrote:
> Interesting.
> I think I have worked out my understanding problems but now I get this 
> problem. Maybe I need an older rev of Ruby 1.8.2?
> ::::/ Environment :::: /
> Ruby 1.8.2-15
> MS Vista
> watir-
> :::: Error Message ::::
> NoMethodError: IE#modal_dialog not supported with the current version 
> of Ruby (1.8.2).
> See http://jira.openqa.org/browse/WTR-2 for details.
> undefined method `hwnd' for #<Watir::Frame:0x30a0580>
> c:/ruby182/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- 
> `initialize'
> c:/ruby182/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- 
> `new'
> c:/ruby182/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir- 
> `modal_dialog'
> Michael Kernaghan
> Quality Control Tester
> Meridian Systems
> 604-609-0833 #103
> * *
> *Read what IDC believes to be the key to the success of engineering, 
> construction & RE industries. *
> IDC Analyst Connection “Integrated Project and Portfolio Management: 
> Improving Efficiency, Lowering Risk
> for Engineering, Construction and Real Estate Firms” Visit 
> www.meridiansystems.com/performance 
> <http://www.meridiansystems.com/performance>
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