Ahoy frisbee lovers,

'Tis the sea-son for *indoor frisbee tournaments*, so some pirates, as the
little devils they are, will organise a weekend so great it is guaranteed
to get you hooked. There will be a treasure to fight over on *19-20
February 2022* in the Diekmanhal in *Enschede, NL*. We hope you arrrgh
ready to join us in this amazing adventure!

Avast ye, make sure to ent-arr your team in the registration *before
15-12-2021*. And shiver me timbers, not even the best pirate is immune to
covid, so please make sure you have a valid Corona access proof (QR-code)
when you arr-ive.

For registration and more info visit our website: www.devilsheaven.nl

Hope to sea you there!

Devils’ Heaven committee


Part of; Disc Devils Twente

Europalaan 86

7543 DG Enschede

The Netherlands
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