Hallo Wurfpost,
Cranberry Snack sucht PickUp Spieler für den Banana Cup in Asch am 16/17 Juli. Mehr Infos siehe unten. Interessenten mögen sich bitte direkt bei Pete melden:


I wanted to ask you if you knew anybody who might be interested in playing at the Banana Cup in Asch next weekend (July 16-17). Cranberry Snack will be playing in the Open Division. However, we had a few players cancel at the last minute and we /really/ need some more players. Right now, we have 9 definite players for Saturday and 8 definite players for Sunday. I am still hoping some other "maybes" turn into "yes." But either way, I can definitely offer a lot of playing time to anybody who joins our team. If the player is from the Nuernberg area, I can also offer them free transportation, as my wife and I will drive right through there on the way to the tournament (first-come, first-serve). The tournament is pretty cheap (team + player fee = 25 Euro) and it should be a lot of fun. There is even an opportunity to play paintball on Saturday night.

Cranberry Snack is a very friendly team that loves new players and we would be very nice to anybody who might join our merry band. If you or anybody you know is free next weekend (July 16-17), I hope that you will consider picking up with our team. I promise that you'll have a lot of fun. Feel free to forward this on to anybody you think might be interested. If you would like to join us, I need to know your dinner preference for next Saturday night. The options are:

1) beef goulash with czech dumplings
2) pork chop with potatoes
3) pasta with tomatoes and parmesan
4) chicken risoto

All meals will be served with beef soup with noodles. I am supposed to tell the tournament director by tomorrow, so please get back to me as soon as you can.

I hope that we will see you next weekend at the Banana Cup. Thanks very much for you help.

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