Oh ehrwuerdige Scheibenwelt,

aus den niederlaendischen Nachbargefilden klingt der Schrei einer Moewe zu uns 
herueber und laedt ein zum "Schreeuw van de Meeuw 2011" nach Nijmegen. Wo 
koennte man sich sonst besser in die Indoor-Saison overheaden, knifen und 
Anmeldungen bitte an schreeuwvandem...@gmail.com,
Have fun

Dear contacts,

We just passed the longest day of the year, which is a perfect moment
to announce a COED indoor tournament in the weekend around the longest
night of the year:

The Schreeuw van de Meeuw on the 29th and 30th of October 2011

Just like last year we will play at the University Sports Centre in
Nijmegen (The Netherlands), which has fabulous halls to play in (no
exaggeration here). Besides that, we will arrange dinner and breakfast
and of course I need to mention the party on saturday night. This
party will be absolutely fantastic especially because it is so
extremely close to the sports halls ;-)

What? a COED indoor tournament
When? 29th and 30th of October 2011
Where? Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Stay? In sports hall

More information? See below and (soon) at http://www.ru.nl/bfrisbee2s/

Do not hesitate to e-mail (schreeuwvandeme...@gmail.com) if you have
some more questions.

Hope to see or hear from you,
Joris, Leoni, Marinel, and Ron
BFrisbee2's, Nijmegen

**Tournament information**

The tournament is COED, which means you have at least 2 or 3 ladies on
the line, decided by the offence.

Universitair Sportcentrum
Heyendaalseweg 141
6525 AJ Nijmegen
Telefoon: (024) 361 23 92

Included in the players fee is the accommodation from Saturday morning
till Sunday afternoon in the sports centre. Please bring your own
mattress and sleeping bag.

If you decide not to stay at the sports centre, you will have to the
booking yourselves. In that case please let us know that you will not
require accommodation at the sports centre.

If you need to arrive Friday evening, please let us know the number of
players and time you need for the travel when you register. We have
only limited options to let people stay.

Dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday are included in the players
fee. In the sports centre is a cafeteria where you can get soft
drinks, fruits, sandwiches and other snacks.

On Saturday evening there will be a party close to the sports centre
where you are staying (Cultuur Café) including the traditional Beer
Race. Beer, wine, soft drinks etc. will be sold at very reasonable

Please register your team by sending an email to
schreeuwvandeme...@gmail.com. Please include your team name, home
town, and the number of players you intend to bring.

We have only 16 spots available of which 6 are reserved for teams from
abroad. First come, first serve! We will keep track of registered
teams on the tournament website. Note that your registration is only
complete after you have transferred the fees as indicated below.

Deadline for registration is October 6.
*Fees and payment*
The team fee is € 80 and the player’s fee is € 25.
When you register a team, we ask that you make a down payment of €
255. This amount is the sum of the team fee and the player’s fees for
7 players. Payment of the players fees for the remaining players can
be made at a later date. Payed fees will only be returned if you back
out before October 6.

Dutch teams can use the following bank account:, t.n.v.
BFrisBee2s, Nijmegen.
Teams from outside the Netherlands can make their payment to the
following bank account: IBAN NL98ABNA0619231955, BIC ABNANL2A, t.n.v.
BFrisBee2s, Nijmegen.

Please quote your team name together with the text ‘Schreeuw van de
Meeuw 2011’ when making payment. Also, please be so kind as to send us
an e-mail at schreeuwvandeme...@gmail.com when you have made payment.

*General information*
There is an ATM available at the venue.

Kornwestheimer Str. 8a
70439 Stuttgart

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