Liebe Frisbeesportlerinnen und - in diesem Fall vermutlich eher - Frisbeesportler,

der Direktor der Ultimate- und Guts-WM 2012 in Japan, Makoto Ohi, fragt an, welches Land Guts-Teams zur WM senden wird. Zuletzt waren dabei meist nur die USA und Japan vertreten.

Da Guts alljährlich beim Savage Seven in Karlsruhe sehr gut ankommt und auch in diesem Jahr bei den Disc Days Cologne gut angekommen ist, hier die kurzfristige Frage an ambitionierte Spieler (und Spielerinnen): Wer hätte Interesse, sich für ein deutsches Guts-Nationalteam zu melden? Es ist vorgesehen, dass Guts außerhalb der Ultimate-Spielzeiten laufen soll, sodass Teilnehmer der Ultimate-Nationalteams sich auch melden könnten.

Es handelt sich um die älteste überlieferte Frisbeesportart, sie erfordert hochkarätige Wurf- und Fangfähigkeiten (Kurzversion s., und Nachbericht zum Guts bem DDC,

Noch zwei Anmerkungen:
Als Nationenverband haben wir die Nationalteams bis zum 30. September (dioesen Freitag) zu melden. Werden es weniger als 8 Teams bei der WUGC 2012, dann wird Guts künftig als Parallelveranstaltung zur Ultimate-WM gestrichen.

Der DFV hat nicht die finanziellen Mittel, um die erheblichen Kosten, die für alle Nationalteams mit der Teilnahme an der WUGC 2012 in Japan entstehen, auch nur annähernd abzudecken. Der genaue Termin ist der 7. bis 14. Juli 2012, es wären wenigstens fünf einigermaßen verbindliche Zusagen erforderlich. Zuletzt vgl. auch die zweite Meldung unter

Für Rückmeldungen bis Freitag vielen Dank.
Mit sportlichen Grüßen

- -
Jörg Benner
Deutscher Frisbeesport-Verband

Dear WFDF Member Countries,

I am Makoto Ohi from Japan Flying Disc Association, JFDA. I'm the executive director of World Ultimate & Guts Championships 2012 which will be held in SAKAI City, Japan. We are expecting 25 countries to participate from all over the world and have been engaged in preparation to host a wonderful tournament. SAKAI City (,_Osaka)

This championship is aiming 1) To support victims of Japan's earthquake and tsunami disaster. 2) To provide WFDF and all participants and guests with a unique and outstanding experience in Japan. 3) To build stronger international relationships between disc players in Kansai (east-Japan) area and other countries. 4) To develop awareness of the sport of Ultimate in Japan and worldwide for incorporation as an Olympic sport by using world class athletic fields. Ultimate Division is also placed as trail for World Games 2013 in Cali, Colombia and we are expecting to see many exciting games.

Unfortunately, the number of countries participating in a Guts tournament has been getting small. Recently, except some countries like USA and Japan, very few countries have Guts tournaments. Not a few players have never seen Guts before WUGC held once every four years. However, Guts is originated in 1950s, the oldest official flying disc sport. It is wonderful and attractive in a different way from Ultimate. In USA and Japan, more and more teenage players are involved in this sport and it is expanding slowly but steadily.

At the previous WUGC in Vancouver, Ireland participated in Guts Division for the first time. It seemed that they had seen Guts only on the Internet, but they learned Guts through interaction with USA, Japan, and other countries and played wonderful games. They proved that "flying disc players" could enjoy playing Guts competitively as a representative of a country even if it was the first time to participate.

We, flying disc lovers, should not remain silent, looking at the oldest flying disc sport diminishing. If we were to have fewer than 8 countries participating in the upcoming tournament, WUGC would become WUC from the next WUGC in 2016 and all players and fans over the world would lose the opportunity to see the other team sport than Ultimate.

It is obviously not easy to develop such a competitive team that vie to be the world's best, but please just begin to play Guts as the first step. Not only JFDA but Ryan Scott, Chairperson of WFDF Guts Committee would like to provide a sincere welcome to the first and courageous participation as well as comeback players. We are considering of an official training day (joint clinic) for WUGC Guts Division before the tournament begins. We believe all countries have players who are interested in wearing national team jerseys. There is no reason to hesitate to participate in the division most countries have never tried out.

We are considering of preferential discount of tournament fee and favorable schedule so that players participating in each Division are able to duplicate application to Guts Division. We expect many WFDF member countries to send a team. I hope that my call will be delivered to all players who are not familiar with Guts and who have played Guts before in your country.

We are now preparing WUGC 2012 official website ( All the information such as; How much are Hotels at the WUGC? How much for team fee at WUGC? How much for player fee at WUGC? How much for a train from Tokyo to Sakai, where WUGC is located? Is there a food package for players? When the registration starts? etc.. This website will be open in early October and information will be updated at short intervals. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact for more information.

We want to know your thoughts in participating WUGC 2012, Please reply to this email by September 30th in following questions.
1. Which country do you belong to?
2. Which ULTIMATE division is your country participating in? (OPEN, WOMEN, MIXED, MASTERS)
3. Are you planning to send your national GUTS team?
4. OR are you interested in GUTS division, try to give positive consideration to send GUTS team?

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Makoto Ohi
Executive Director
Tournament Organizing Committee
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