Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 9, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


Special to Workers World

Israeli tanks and helicopter gun ships escalated the one-
sided war against the Palestinians by opening fire Oct. 30 
on Palestinian towns, targeting residential areas, civilians 
and offices of Yasir Arafat's Fatah movement.

By Oct. 31, the official death toll in over a month of 
Israeli repression rose to 154 Palestinians killed, plus 12 
Israelis. Over 6,000 Palestinians in both Gaza and the West 
Bank have been wounded.

The U.S. military-industrial complex supplies most of the 
weapons and ammunition used by the so-called Israeli Defense 
Force. From his wrecked apartment near the Fatah office in 
El Bireh, Ramallah's twin city, a Palestinian man seemed 
aware of this. He waved a piece of the wall blown in on him 
at visitors from the United States, saying, "I want to send 
a message to President Clinton, I want to send this back to 

The visitors were a four-person team from the International 
Action Center, including IAC Co-director Sara Flounders, 
West Coast Co-director Richard Becker, Los Angeles Co-
director Preston Wood, and Randa Jamal of Al-Awda, the 
Palestinian Right of Return Coalition.

They had come not only to observe the events but also to 
bring antibiotics, wound dressings and other medical 
supplies to Palestinian hospitals and clinics. These are 
badly needed now with Israeli military checkpoints 
preventing the normal delivery of medical supplies, plus the 
much greater number of wounded to be treated.

The delegation landed in Tel Aviv on Oct. 28, and by the 
next day had made the first delivery of medical supplies to 
a hospital at Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem. By Oct. 30, the 
Israelis had made a new aggressive escalation of the war, 
firing on Palestinian cities, and the IAC delegation was in 
the middle of a rocket attack on Ramallah.


>From a rooftop near the home where they were staying, IAC 
delegation members could see and hear the step-up in 
shelling from tanks and helicopters. This is how Becker 
described it:

"At about 10:30 p.m. local time we saw a rocket attack from 
what we believe was an Apache helicopter some distance from 
the house that we're staying in. A plane that was flying 
over, we could see that, we saw a flare and then a large 
explosion took place possibly within a mile, mile and a 

"We went immediately to the site and it turned out that a 
very small building from the Fatah organization had been 
rocketed in a residential neighborhood in Ramallah's twin 
city, El-Bireh.

"When we arrived on the scene there were many people on the 
streets. There's no other commercial buildings or offices in 
this neighborhood, all the rest of the neighborhood was 
residential. The rocket hit the Fatah office, which is about 
6 feet by 12 feet, a really tiny office.

"Then we went immediately across the street to see the 
widespread damage to the residential apartments. We went 
inside to talk with the people inside the apartments, which 
all had the glass blown off in the front of buildings. There 
were pieces of the rocket inside the apartment, on the 

"By very great fortune none of the people were injured. We 
interviewed a 7-year-old boy who was very scared and 13-year-
old and 16-year-old girls who were terrified. Fortunately, 
their mother, a U.S. citizen who lives most of the time in 
Birmingham, Ala., had heard the planes and the helicopters 
outside the house. She brought the children into the center 
of the house in the hallway and had them on a mattress.

"Then the rocket hit across the street and destroyed the 
office and blew up the whole front of the square unit 
apartment building. There was massive debris everywhere, 
including pieces of the missile inside. There was another 
house where, according to the neighbors, the people had just 
left five minutes before the rocket hit. This house suffered 
structural damage, large pieces of stone from the house 
lying in front of it, the windows were all blown out.

"We were not able to go into the house next door that was 
rocketed. Inside the apartment building there were pieces of 
missile that burned the rug. It was also very fortunate that 
the apartment building wasn't destroyed by fire."

In Ramallah that night, an announcement came over the 
television that everyone in the entire Palestinian nation 
was to go to the center of the town for a demonstration. 
They gathered there and marched to the site of the shelled 


The next day, Oct. 31, the Israeli military kept up its 
attacks, killing five Palestinians and wounding scores in 
Gaza, including a CNN correspondent. As Flound ers put it, 
"The Israeli regime and the U.S. corporate media claim the 
Israeli troops use force to 'respond' to attacks, to defend 
their positions. This is absurd. The Israelis are armed with 
machine guns and tanks, facing young people with at most 

"They are attempting to use superior military power and 
terror to force the Palestinians to submit to a horribly 
unequal treaty. The demonstrations, by the entire 
Palestinian population, are the answer: they refuse to 

In Ramallah on Oct. 31 hundreds of Palestinian youths walked 
through the town and converged on the checkpoint at the 
north end where they faced a line of Israeli tanks. "For a 
few moments," said Flounders, "we got to experience what 
these young people have been living through for the past 

"First the troops opened up with tear gas, no, it was 
stronger than tear gas, sort of a CS gas. We still have some 
of the canisters," said Flounders. "You can read on them, 
'Made in USA.'

"The courage of the youths confronting the troops was 
incredible to see. There were hundreds along the sides and 
some who got up close to where the soldiers were. Even with 
the firing going on they would continue to resist and throw 

"When the Israeli troops opened up with live ammunition, and 
we could hear it whistling over our heads and ricocheting 
off the buildings, most of the young people had to pull 
back. Finally the Israelis opened up with fire from the 
tanks, heavy machine-gun rounds, and everyone had to 
retreat. But really the statement of the youths was that 
they would not be intimidated, they would continue to 

Flounders said that when the IAC delegation delivered the 
medicine, they visited some of the wounded at the hospitals 
and clinics. "The medical teams said there have been 6,600 
people wounded in the past month," she said, "seriously 
enough to spend time in a hospital. About one-fifth of them 
will have permanent disabilities from the wounds, they 

The doctors have also trained volunteer ambulance crews to 
go to the front lines and bring back those wounded by the 
Israeli troops. The IAC had visited the Union of Health Work 
Committees and the Union of Palestine Medical Relief 
Committees that morning.

According to Flounders, "The work these courageous crews 
trained by the committees have done has helped to reduce the 
number of people killed in the fighting. They go out while 
under fire, rescue the people hit by bullets, and bring them 
back to the hospitals and clinics. At least 15 have been 
seriously wounded, shot in the chest, back or head."


Along with the tank fire, rockets and shells, the Israelis 
also have snipers operating from rooftops and from the 
fortified hilltops where there are settlements, said 
Flounders. "These snipers aim to kill. We saw them today 
taking aim from the City Inn at the demonstrators. There is 
nothing to describe this but terrorism."

The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees made a 
special statistical report on Oct. 30 on how those killed by 
the Israeli forces had died. It turned out over 98 percent 
of wounds that caused death were in the head, neck, chest or 
abdomen. Some 84 percent of injuries were from wounds to the 
head, neck or upper body, excluding upper body limbs.

By this evidence, it is apparent that the Israeli forces are 
shooting to kill unarmed Palestinians.

Flounders described how in the past seven years since the 
Oslo Accords were signed, the Israelis have built up a 
system of settlements in the West Bank connected by roads 
that only cars with Israeli license plates can travel on. 
These settlements, she said, are on hilltops in and around 
Palestinian villages.

"Now, during the olive harvest," Flounders said, "the 
Israeli settlers are firing on Palestinian farmers gathering 
olives. Israeli patrols are confiscating the crops at 
checkpoints. They are trying to starve out the Palestinians 

Dr. Majed Nassar, deputy director of the Union of Health 
Work Committees, had this to say when he met the IAC 
delegation after the Israelis shelled Beit Jala and Beit 
Sahour on Oct. 28-29:

"I have to admit that the Israeli artillery made us afraid. 
Only fools do not get afraid when they are subjected to four 
hours of bombardment. But what did it achieve? Did it make 
us surrender? Did it make us weak?

"We know that the aim of the Israeli bombardment is to 
impose their terms on us by force. They want to translate 
their force into political achievements. ... Are they really 
trying to fool the world by showing that this is a war 
between two armies? That's more than ridiculous.

"We know how weak we are in terms of military capabilities, 
but also we know how strong we are because we have a case 
and a cause. We also know how weak they are because they are 
simply wrong and evil cannot prevail. ... We will continue 
to do our best to see that the occupation is over. The 
quicker, the better."

To read the delegation's daily reports and for further 
information see the Web site www.iacenter.org.

- END -

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