Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 28, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Elijah Crane

Scores of activists from all over the country are mobilizing
to fill the streets of Washington by the busload on Jan. 20
to protest George W. Bush's inauguration.

The all-encompassing issue at hand is the fight against
racism. Specific demands of protesters include: ending the
racist death penalty and freeing Mumia Abu-Jamal; stopping
Plan Colombia and the U.S. bombing of Vieques; supporting
the just struggle of the Palestinian people; the
disenfranchisement of Black voters and others in Florida;
and many others.

"The U.S. ruling class has been caught in the act of a
fraudulent election," said Monica Moorehead, a leading
organizer of the demonstration. "This certainly is not the
first time it has happened. Every election that has taken
place in the U.S. has been bought or stolen. But this is the
first time in recent history that the thievery has been so
blatant and overt.

"There's no denying that thousands of Black voters in
Florida were the targets of a racist attack," Moorehead told
Workers World. "Despite the fact that Florida's ballot
controversy had been headlining the media since Election
Day, neither of the two presidential hopefuls so much as
acknowledged the issue of racism.

"And no amount of rhetoric on 'healing' and 'bipartisanship'
from President-elect Bush and Al Gore, who conceded, can
smooth things over now."

People are angry--from Texas to Florida, from New York to
California--and that is why they will be raising their
voices in Washington at the inauguration protest, she added.


Over 400 groups and individuals have already endorsed the
call made by the International Action Center to protest in
Washington on Jan. 20, or 'J20', as some activists are
referring to it. That number continues to grow on a daily

As of Dec. 20, there were more than 30 organizing centers in
operation in New York, Texas, Massachusetts, Wisconsin,
Illinois, North Carolina and elsewhere.

Even the mainstream media has been forced to recognize this
growing mobilization, resulting in articles and radio
interviews with organizers.

An article in the Dec. 14 edition of the Washington Times
described the way in which the cops are preparing for the
upcoming counter-inaugural demonstration. Police Chief
Charles Ramsey cited last April's protests against the
International Monetary Fund, which shook the city of
Washington, as a reason for deploying not only the entire
Metropolitan police force, but also adding hundreds of cops
from surrounding areas.

Brain Becker, co-director of the IAC, was quoted as saying
that "Charles Ramsey and the police are doing their usual
demonizing of the demonstrators, saying that we will cause
mayhem. The truth is that the police is the lawless group."

Becker has since given numerous radio interviews, including
one to the ABC network. Organizers of the J20 action have
also been interviewed by radio stations in Michigan, New
York and Washington.

The Colorado Daily newspaper was among the media that
highlighted the planned J20 action. In that article, Becker
explained that the protest was in the works long before the
election outcome was known. It was planned to take place
regardless of whether Gore or Bush were inaugurated because
both are strong supporters of the death penalty and other
methods of institutional violence--such as the U.S.
sanctions against Iraq and military aid to Colombia, he

For a complete list of organizing centers, or to sign up as a contact,
readers can visit the Web site www.Mumia2000.org or call the IAC at (212)

Organizers are also planning and communicating through an e-mail
list server called "J20action." Anyone interested in participating in that
ongoing discussion can register at www.egroups.com or click on the link at

- END -

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