Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 22, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper

ERNESTO JOFRE 1937-2001 


By Milt Neidenberg
New York

A unique and unusual labor leader has died--Ernesto Jofre, 
the manager, secretary-treasurer, and inspiration behind 
Local 169 of UNITE, the garment and textile workers' union. 
His local stood head and shoulders above the official labor 
movement in this city and state. Jofre headed the 5,000-
member Amalgamated Northeast Joint Board of the union, and 
was recently appointed an international vice-president.

Jofre's commitment to the labor movement and to low-paid and 
immigrant workers was formed in his early years. A Chilean 
socialist and member of the Copper Workers Union, he 
supported Salvador Allende, who was elected president of 
Chile in 1970 on a socialist ticket.

When Allende was assassinated in 1973 on the orders of the 
fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet, with the aid and support 
of the U.S. CIA, Jofre was arrested, jailed and tortured for 
three years.

His dream of a prosperous and democratic Chile stayed with 
him to the end of his life as he worked diligently to 
support Ricardo Lagos, a socialist who won the presidency 
last year. He believed Lagos would help fulfill his dream. 
But Bush and the International Monetary Fund have other 
plans--to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement 
into a new Free Trade Area of the Americas in order to 
exploit Chile and the entire hemisphere.

Jofre was exiled to the U.S. in 1976 and soon joined Local 
169. Over the next quarter of a century he rose from 
organizer to the leadership of the union.

What made him extraordinary was how quickly he applied what 
he had learned as a political/labor leader in Chile to the 
social and economic conditions in the U.S. He opposed the 
policies of AFL-CIO President Lane Kirkland, who worked 
closely with the CIA to crush the progressive, revolutionary 
and socialist movements in El Salvador. Jofre was the 
principal organizer of the New York Committee on Human 
Rights and Democracy, which exposed brutal attacks on the 
peasants and workers and their unions.

Jofre organized so successfully that Kirkland was forced to 
send his key labor lieutenant from the infamous American 
Institute for Free Labor Development to New York to combat 
Jofre's efforts to build a solidarity movement. The CIA 
subsidized this AFL-CIO department to undermine progressive 
movements in Latin America.

For many of us who met Jofre and supported him during those 
trying days, it was the beginning of a long and comradely 
relationship. He organized his members and networked with 
other unions to bring union delegations to the May 3, 1981, 
historic March on the Pentagon. Workers World and other 
organizers brought 100,000 protesters to Washington. One of 
the major issues was the U.S. intervention in the civil war 
in El Salvador on the side of a fascist dictatorship and 

In later years, Jofre supported many issues initiated by the 
International Action Center. He provided his union hall for 
an organizing meeting for this year's Jan. 20 Bush counter-
inauguration demonstration; for a Mumia planning meeting; 
and meetings that organized successful delegations to bring 
medicine and food to the Iraqi people, defying State 
Department mandates. He contributed generously to the Key 
Martin/Chris Hani Memorial Fund of Peoples Video Network to 
fight the AIDS crisis and address other critical issues in 
South Africa.

Local 169 was a mixed bag when it came to electoral politics-
-a contradiction that remains to this day. To his credit, 
Jofre supported and set up office space for candidates who 
ran openly as lesbians and gays. On the other hand, he was a 
founding member of the Working Families Party, which created 
another line on the voting machine for Democratic 

The top Democratic leaders that Jofre endorsed--like Al 
Gore, Sen. Charles Schumer and Sen. Hillary Clinton--are in 
the same party that, under former President Bill Clinton, 
was responsible for the Welfare Reform Act that scapegoats 
and victimizes the most oppressed section of the poor and 
the low-paid workers--the very people Jofre championed. The 
labor movement has been attacked by both capitalist parties, 
the Democrats as well as the Republicans.

Ernesto Jofre's legacy, however, lies in his dedication and 
tireless devotion to the cause and the plight of low-paid, 
immigrant workers.

His optimism, dedication and compassion in organizing these 
workers encouraged the IAC and other progressive and 
community representatives to provide organizers and other 
volunteers to join with Local 169 in organizing oppressed 
food store workers.

These workers put in long hours with no benefits, earning 
less than the minimum wage. They have been terrorized and 
threatened with deportation by the powerful Korean Green 
Grocers Association, the employers that Local 169 took on.

Jofre's vision of the future for the labor movement was with 
the most oppressed and low-paid workers: immigrants, people 
of color, women, service workers. His life and contributions 
and the lessons he brought from Chile demonstrate that the 
U.S. labor movement is entering a new period. Leaders are 
rising up from the multinational and oppressed work force to 
be the engine of renewed class struggle.

Ernesto Jofre believed in this vision. He matched his words 
with his deeds. A standing room crowd of supporters filled a 
large union hall here on March 11 to pay homage to his deep 
impact on the labor movement.

- END -

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