Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 29, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper



By Sarah Sloan

In April 2001--one year after protests rocked the meetings 
of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in 
Washington--activists from the anti-globalization movement 
will again rise up in protest outside a meeting of 
capitalist vultures.

This time it's the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, 
Canada on April 20-22--a meeting of heads of state and trade ministers 
representing every country in the Western Hemisphere except 
socialist Cuba. There they will discuss the "Free Trade Area 
of the Americas"--a politely named plan led by U.S. banks 
and corporations to super-exploit the western hemisphere.

Thousands of people from all over Canada, the U.S. and the 
world will converge in Quebec City and numerous other 
cities, in what will be another manifestation of a worldwide 
anti-globalization and anti-capitalist movement.

Border crossings and demonstrations will take place in 
Cornwall, on the New York State border; northern Vermont; 
Buffalo, New York; Tijuana, Mexico/San Diego, CA; and other 

Look for the Workers World Party signs and banners at all of 
these activities. Join in our contingents and help get the 
word out about a planned, socialist alternative to the 
profit-driven capitalist system.

The International Action Center will be organizing 
transportation from a variety of cities as well as providing 
other organizational and logistical support. Contact the IAC 
at 212-633-6646 on the East Coast or 415- 821-6545 on the 
West Coast; email [EMAIL PROTECTED]; or see 

- END -

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