Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 29, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Dianne Mathiowetz
Huntsville, Ala.

Activists from around the country traveled to Huntsville, 
Ala., home of the Army's Redstone Arsenal and NASA's 
Marshall Space Flight Center. They traveled there in mid-
March for three days of meetings and protests called by the 
Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.

Much of the development for the space-based laser, a key 
component of the Bush plan for a national missile defense 
system, is being conducted here.

The conference participants included many who have spent 
years researching and mobilizing against nuclear weaponry. 
Also there were Huntsville residents, like the young mother 
who brought her child because she wanted a peaceful future 
for her daughter.

Speakers drew comparisons to the burgeoning anti-
globalization movement that is sweeping the world with its 
direct action protests. Person after person raised examples 
to illustrate how giant military-industrial corporations 
such as Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon and TRW are 
getting multi-billion-dollar contracts to develop space 
weaponry to establish U.S. military control of the planet.

Speakers such as Professor Karl Grossman, author of numerous 
articles and a recent book on the militarization of space, 
cited official documents released by the U.S. Space Command 
and Congress to show that the stated goal of the United 
States is "dominating the space dimension of military 
operations to protect U.S. interests and investment."

Treaties, such as the Outer Space Treaty, originally adopted 
in 1966 and reaffirmed Nov. 20, 2000, by 163 nations, 
specifically forbid the introduction of weapons in space. 
Only three countries--the U.S., Israel and Micronesia--
refused this past fall to support this resolution which 
"recognized the common interest of all mankind in the 
exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes."

Interestingly, the U.S. helped develop this treaty following 
the 1957 launching of Sputnik, the first artificial 
satellite to circle the Earth, by the Soviet Union. It was 
an attempt by the U.S. to curb space exploration by others 
until it gained dominance in the field.

Instead the U.S. has spent over $95 billion so far in 
numerous attempts to develop space-based lasers and other 
weapons that will operate through and from space.

These include satellites that can provide 24-hour global 
surveillance of communication and monitor and impact weather 
conditions on earth. They can also detect human movement and 
concentrations of metals, water, heat and natural resources 
on and below the earth's surface.

According to Bill Sulzman, director of Citizens for Peace in 
Space, a Colorado Springs, Co. group, the U.S. Space Command 
is "readying itself to be the enforcement arm for the global 

As current proof of that, Peter Lunsdaine of the Vandenberg 
Action Coalition pointed to the role of Vandenberg Air Force 
base in Santa Barbara County, Calif.

>From this base, the largest facility in the world of the 
U.S. Space Command, surveillance and targeting satellites 
are being launched that provide military intelligence for 
the defoliation spray planes that are devastating large 
areas of Colombia. This massive, poisonous defoliation is 
being used to side with that country's elite in its war 
against the millions of impoverished workers and peasants 
who are fighting for justice.

Lunsdaine encouraged support for the May 19 direct action at 
Vandenberg where like the peaceful occupation of the island 
of Vieques, activists concerned with human rights and peace 
will converge to challenge and disrupt business as usual at 
the base.

Just as consistent and persistent actions at Ft. Benning, 
Ga., exposed the role of the School of the Americas in the 
violent repression of the peoples of Central and South 
America by U.S.-trained and supplied militaries, Landsdaine 
said the May 19 action will focus attention to the fact that 
information from the intelligence and guidance satellites 
launched at Vandenberg is used to direct counter-insurgency 
operations from Turkey to Indonesia to Colombia.

For more information, contact the Vandenberg Action 
Coalition at (831) 421-9794 or go to 

According to Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network 
Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, grassroots 
groups all around the world are mobilizing to stop U.S. 
efforts to turn space into a war zone. The network has 
issued an international call for coordinated actions around 
the world on Oct. 13, 2001, demanding the end to the 
militarization of space. Suggested sites for local actions 
include U.S. military bases, Department of Energy 
facilities, NASA installations, U.S. embassies and offices 
of aerospace industry corporations or academic institutions 
working on military space projects.

For more information, go to www.space4peace.org or call 
(352) 337-9274.

The Huntsville conference was another sign that more and 
more, the issues of economic and social and political 
justice in each country are intertwined with and impacted by 
U.S. military domination--whether by conventional weapons 
and troops on the ground or by the threat of nuclear bombs 
or by the control of outer space.

Gagnon concluded, "The people of the U.S., the people of the 
world, must learn what the U.S. is up to--and stop it."

- END -

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