Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 29, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Phebe Eckfeldt

More than 50 women and their supporters crowded into the 
Boston office of Workers World Party on March 17 to 
celebrate International Women's Day. They came to hear 
Monica Moorehead--a national leader of WWP and the Party's 
1996 and 2000 presidential candidate--speak on how to fight 
back against the impact of "globalization" on women.

Activists came from Rhode Island, New Hampshire and several 
local colleges--including a big delegation from Simmons 
College undergraduate women's school.

Also speaking on the program were representatives from DARE--
a group fighting racism and police brutality in Rhode 
Island, United American Indians of New England and the 
Simmons College Feminist Union.

They addressed issues such as the April 20 meeting in Quebec 
of the "Free Trade Area of the Americas" and how women are 
organizing against this attempt by U.S. banks and 
corporations to super-exploit the Americas.

Also high up on the agenda were fighting racism and sexism, 
the origin of women's oppression, the right of women to 
reproductive freedom, the history of International Women's 
Day, and the struggle for lesbian, gay, bi and trans 

Before the meeting everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner. Much 
discussion followed the meeting.

- END -

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