Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 5, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Monica Moorehead

Revolutionaries and anti-racist activists all over the 
world, including inside the United States, are preparing for 
a new round of important protests to demand the freedom of 
African American political prisoner and journalist Mumia Abu-

Abu-Jamal has languished on Pennsylvania's death row since 
July 3, 1982. The state convicted him of killing a white 
Philadelphia police officer, Daniel Faulkner.

But millions of supporters across the United States and 
around the world maintain that Mumia Abu-Jamal was 
railroaded to death row by a racist conspiracy carried out 
by the courts, the Fraternal Order of Police and the 

Why was he targeted? Because of his revolutionary political 
beliefs as well as his close association with MOVE, a 
predominantly Black, anti-system, pro-communal organization. 
MOVE has been, and continues to be, a main target of 
government repression in Philadelphia since the late 1970s.

Mumia Abu-Jamal has become an international symbol of the 
struggle against the racist, anti-poor death penalty, police 
brutality and other forms of political repression inside 
the United States. He has also become known as the "voice of 
the voice less," speaking out on behalf of millions who have 
been victimized by racism, bigotry and the capitalist system 
in general.

During the last weekend in March, an East Coast organizing 
conference will take place in Washington, D.C. Its goal is 
to bring together the activists who already support Abu-
Jamal. And it aims to attract new layers of activists from 
the Black churches and Black colleges to help broaden 
support for Abu-Jamal's case.

U.S. Rep. John Conyers from Michigan, hip-hop artist Chuck D 
and International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia 
leader Pam Africa are scheduled to speak at an opening event 
at the Lincoln Theater on March 30. The theater is located 
at 1215 U St., NW.

The conference will take place at First Congressional Church 
at 10th and G Streets, NW, on March 31. Registration will 
begin at 9 a.m. The conference is free.

A number of workshops will take place during the conference 
that will help bring activists up to date on Abu-Jamal's 
legal status along with encouraging people to get involved 
politically with his case.


An important rally and march demanding freedom for Mumia Abu-
Jamal will take place in New York on April 4, the 33rd 
anniversary of the assassination of civil-rights leader Dr. 
Martin Luther King. This protest will take place at 30 Foley 
Square from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The fact that Abu-Jamal's legal appeals are currently in the 
federal courts is one reason this protest is being held in 
front of the federal court building.

Sponsors include the International Action Center, the New 
York City Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, the Jericho 
Movement, Patrice Lumumba Coalition, Asians for Mumia, Haiti 
Support Network, International Concerned Family and Friends 
of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Campaign to End the Death Penalty and 
Refuse and Resist!

The main political reason for this protest is explained in a 
call to action that was sent out by the International Action 
Center to thousands of people contacting them about April 4.

It stresses: "When the U.S. government targets any one of 
our leaders, it's targeting more than one individual, it's 
our move ment that they seek to destroy. On April 4, 1968, 
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered by the government 
because he posed a threat to the racist status quo. Mumia 
Abu-Jamal is another leader that the government has targeted 
because they fear his revolutionary influence."

Another bold action has been set for May 12. That day has 
been designated as an international day in solidarity with 
Abu-Jamal. It comes one day before the 16th anniversary of 
the bombing of MOVE by the government. That racist 
firebombing resulted in 11 men, women and children being 
massacred, and an entire Black neighborhood in West 
Philadelphia being destroyed.

The IAC, along with other organizations, is initiating a May 
11-13 encampment in Philadelphia for Abu-Jamal's freedom. 
People are encouraged to bring tents, sleeping bags, and 
enough food and water for a few days. This encampment will 
let the courts and government know that the movement will 
not rest until Abu-Jamal is free to walk among the masses of 
people where he belongs.

The political movement is also still preparing to mobilize 
to come to Phila delphia to pack the streets and the 
courtroom once Federal District Judge William Yohn has 
announced what day oral arguments will begin on whether Abu-
Jamal will have a right to an evidentiary hearing. For more 
than a year Abu-Jamal and the movement have been awaiting 
word of this date.

His case entered the federal appeals process in December 
1999. Since then four amicus briefs have been filed on Abu-
Jamal's behalf. Yohn has denied all.

Two of the briefs make powerful arguments about the extent 
of collusion among Abu-Jamal's original lawyer, the district 
attorney and the judge in his first trial. And they point 
out that the original judge--"hanging judge" Albert Sabo--
denied Abu-Jamal's right to defend himself and to have John 
Africa serve as co-counsel.

The briefs argue that these violations of Abu-Jamal's 
constitutional rights to due process are so huge and so 
egregious that they alone should be grounds for overturning 
the original verdict and setting him free.

Those seeking to undermine Abu-Jamal's fight for freedom 
will no doubt seize on another development in his legal 

On March 6, Abu-Jamal filed a petition to the U.S. District 
Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to allow him 
to dismiss his legal counsel, Leonard Weinglass and Dan 
Williams, for "conflict of interest" and violation of client-
lawyer confidentiality. By filing this petition, Abu-Jamal 
hopes to be allowed enough time to reconstitute a new legal 

The conflict of interest was based on an "inside account" 
book on Abu-Jamal's case written by Williams that is 
scheduled to be released in April. Williams wrote this book 
without Abu-Jamal's prior knowledge or consent. Many of his 
key supporters also were not informed about the book.

The book reportedly raises criticisms of Abu-Jamal's 
political supporters. It also delves into differences 
between Abu-Jamal and his lawyers about legal strategies in 
his case.

Some in the bourgeois media--like Dave Lindorff, a writer 
for Salon magazine--are using the Williams book as an excuse 
to politically attack Abu-Jamal and to characterize many of 
his supporters on the left as a "fringe element." These 
reactionary and diversionary attacks should be countered--in 
writing and in the streets.

Mumia Abu-Jamal's life is at stake. The repressive 
capitalist state and the media want to legally lynch him 
with little direct intervention from the political movement 
or from any sector of the masses of workers and oppressed 

Abu-Jamal should have the final say in terms of who 
represents him as legal counsel and what his legal strategy 
should be. It is important for political activists not to 
second-guess him in his decision to change his legal 

Instead, supporters need to keep a clear focus on the task 
at hand--building broad political support for Mumia Abu-

Just as there were powerful movements during the 1970s to 
free Huey P. Newton, Angela Davis and other political 
prisoners, the movement here and worldwide must continue to 
build momentum to free Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The IAC call to action for April 4 concludes: "It is our 
movement's efforts, around the country and around the world, 
that have made more people aware of who Mumia Abu-Jamal is. 
It is because of our movement that thousands of people are 
outraged at the racist frame-up of this innocent man.

"And it is our movement, committed to fighting to save his 
life, that will make the difference, that will liberate 
Mumia from death row and bring him back to his family and to 

For more information on the April 4 rally and march, May 12 
encampment in Philadelphia, and Abu-Jamal's day in court, 
contact IAC at 212-633-6646 or go to www.iacenter.org or 

- END -

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