Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 5, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Leslie Feinberg

On April 7, thousands of Palestinians and those who stand 
shoulder to shoulder with them will march and rally to 
demand the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to 
their land and their homes from which they were expelled.

Marches and rallies are scheduled for New York and cities in 
Palestine, Spain, Canada and Australia.

It is especially important for all in the United States who 
support Palestinian self-determination to bolster the New 
York demonstration.

The Zionist settler occupation of Palestine could not 
survive for a week without a massive $10-million-a-day 
infusion of U.S. military and economic aid. Israel has been 
a bastion of the U.S. oil monopolies and a bulwark against 
Arab revolution. And the region has great military and 
strategic importance for U.S. imperialism.

No demand is more central to winning true justice for 
Palestinians than the right of over 5 million refugees to 
return home. And so these events will focus on ending five 
decades of exile and expropriation.

The protests also coincide with the 53rd anniversary of the 
massacre of Palestinian civilians in the village of Deir 
Yassin by Zionist death squads. These lynchings helped 
create a wave of terror designed to drive Palestinians from 
their land.

In a news release, Al-Awda, the group that called the April 
7 events, wrote: "Organizers intend to draw the public's 
attention to the human rights abuses and suffering inflicted 
on the Palestinian people. They also plan to send a strong 
signal of support of Palestinians in territories occupied 
since 1948 and 1967."

The release stressed that more than 350 Palestinian 
civilians have been killed by Israeli occupation forces in 
recent months. More than 11,000 have been injured. Many of 
those maimed and killed were children.

Confirmed speakers at the April 7 rally in New York include 
Dr. Souheil Natour, Dr. Mazin Al-Najjar, Muna Hamze, Dr. 
Sami el-Aryan, Puerto Rican Nationalist Rafael Cancel 
Miranda, Rafiq Jaber, Richard Becker and Sara Flounders of 
the International Action Center, and Abbas Hamidah, a son of 
Deir Yassin massacre survivors. The rally will also include 
a statement by George Habash, former secretary general of 
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. 
Internationally renowned musicians Marcel Khalife and Simon 
Shaheen have been invited to take part.

- END -

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