Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the April 19, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


Friends, neighbors, community leaders and supporters came 
out 200 strong on March 27 for a rally and march to Suffolk 
County District Attorney Ralph Martin's office to demand 
justice for Ricky Bodden.

Bodden was shot in the back of the neck by a Boston 
municipal cop on Dec. 27, 2000. The protest came on the 
three-month anniversary of the killing. The marchers heard 
from Bodden's sister, Carol Bodden, City Councilor Chuck 
Turner, and Terry Marshall, organizer for Streets is 
Watching, a grassroots community organization in the African 
American community.

After the initial rally at Park Street Station in downtown 
Boston, the march proceeded through the busy downtown 
shopping district to the district attorney's office, where 
Carol Bodden brought a letter demanding an inquest and the 
release of police reports and the coroner's report in the 

The Call for Justice campaign is also demanding a civilian 
review board, prosecution of the cop and an apology. A 
dynamic young woman from Teen Empowerment chaired the rally 
in front of the DA's office and led the crowd in singing Bob 
Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up." A dynamic talk on the effects 
of police brutality on African American women cited the 
cases of Eleanor Bumpurs, Tawana Brawley and Assata Shakur. 
The rally also included moving testimony from family members 
of other current victims of violence and mistreatment by the 
prison system. 
--Frank Neisser

- END -

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