Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 3, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


Some of the bravest fighters against corporate globalization 
now face heavy charges in Quebec. They put their bodies on 
the line to defend workers' rights, national sovereignty and 
the environment. Everyone in the progressive movement should 
join the campaign for their freedom.

The tide of anger and opposition to capitalism is rising. 
Pushing it forward is the polarization of wealth that has 
impoverished hundreds of millions around the globe. As the 
billionaire class in a few imperialist countries becomes 
more and more a little island of privilege in a sea of 
misery, the capitalist states defending this corrupt status 
quo grow more and more repressive. More of society's 
resources are spent on armies, police, prisons
and courts.

Hatred of the repressive state, especially among the young, 
grows with each new outrage--whether police murders of Black 
people in Cincinnati or the recent Supreme Court ruling that 
it's OK for cops to handcuff and jail people for minor 
traffic violations, like not wearing a seatbelt.

How can this militant struggle contribute to the building of 
a multinational revolutionary movement based in the working 
class that can challenge the rotten old order? What can we 
learn from past movements, both those that failed and those 
that won?

Right now there's a vigorous anarchist movement among the 
young. Anarchism has arisen in earlier periods, too, when 
many despaired of ever seeing the workers in a revolutionary 
mood and decided to boldly strike out on their own against 
the capitalist state. It is a healthy sign of rebellion 
against the old order, but it poses many questions. . . .


. . . Workers World Party, a Marxist party that just fought 
alongside anarchists in Quebec against the imperialist trade 
pact known as the FTAA, is hosting a conference in New York 
City on June 2 to discuss the struggle for socialism. 
Speakers and workshops will look at what kind of movement 
can present a real challenge to capitalist exploitation.

This conference isn't about the milk-toast socialism of 
social-democracy, which has provided a fig-leaf to most of 
the imperialist governments in Europe. Those "socialists" 
abandoned revolutionary Marxism long ago. So did many of the 
supposed communist parties, which failed to defend the 
planned economies in the USSR and Eastern Europe after U.S. 
imperialism wore them down with threats of World War III.

But there are revolutionary socialists and communists in the 
world, despite all the media hype to the contrary. Because 
only socialism is the negation of capitalist private 
property. It is the reorganization of society through 
planning made possible by expropriating the expropriators. 
For any planning to begin--to end poverty, save the 
environment, raise up the oppressed, end sweatshops and wage 
slavery--the wealth created by the workers must be taken 
away from the bosses. The rulers will never peacefully give 
up their privileged status. Their class dictatorship can be 
broken only through the revolutionary intervention of the 

And after a revolution? What happens to the state? What 
needs to be done for it to "wither away," in Marx's words? 
Can there be a stateless society as long as poverty, racism, 
sexism and inequality still exist, as long as remnants of 
the old ruling class remain?

These questions will be discussed at the conference, not 
just in the abstract but by looking at the revolutionary 
struggles of the modern era. We urge everyone to come to 
listen, come to question, come to share experiences.

- END -

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