Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 3, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper



By Monica Moorehead

Organizing for the Camp Free Mumia Now activity set for the 
weekend of May 11-13 in Philadelphia received a tremendous 
boost at the Free Trade Area of the Americas protests in 
Quebec City April 20-22.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators including youths, 
students, trade unionists, environmentalists and many more 
poured into the streets to express their opposition to the 
expansion of NAFTA-type policies throughout North and South 

These policies are anti-poor and anti-worker. They lead to a 
general lowering of wages, a deepening erosion of safety 
standards concerning working conditions and the environment, 
and destruction of local economies by the profit-hungry 
giant monopoly corporations.

The International Action Center brought an important message 
to these protests: Political repression against the workers 
and the most oppressed is an inherent outgrowth of economic 

The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the most well-known political 
prisoner on death row worldwide, symbolizes one of the most 
barbaric forms of repression inside the United States and 
elsewhere: racism.

His case has evolved for almost two decades until it is now 
the pinnacle of the struggle against racist police 
brutality, the death penalty and the prison-industrial 
complex in the United States. Throughout his tortuous daily 
life on death row, Abu-Jamal has remained a staunch 
revolutionary who stands in opposition against all 
manifestations of global capitalist slavery.

In his statement to the protestors in Quebec, Abu-Jamal 
called for global resistance units.

Gery Armsby, a young transgender leader of the IAC, 
commented from the front lines when asked about the IAC's 
main political objectives during the Quebec City protests: 
"Our main thrust was to raise the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. 
We had hundreds of bright orange flags that read 'Free 
Mumia' in Spanish, French and English.

"Those with us carried a big banner that read 'Build global 
resistance to the capitalist death machine.' We marched with 
these banners in the labor march for an hour, then went over 
to where there were confrontations at the perimeter.

"People would see the banner and start chanting, 'Brick by 
brick, wall by wall, we're going to free Mumia Abu-Jamal.' "

IAC activists from New York, Boston and elsewhere were able 
to hand out thousands of leaflets to demonstrators about the 
encampment demanding the freedom of Abu-Jamal. Many of those 
who took a leaflet made a commitment to participate in the 

Some said they want to come early to help mobilize others to 
come to Philadelphia--the city where Abu-Jamal was falsely 
convicted on July 3, 1982, after a sham of a trial for the 
murder of a white Philadelphia police officer.

The encampment will coincide with the May 12 international 
day of solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal. Revolutionaries and 
activists around the world will be holding demonstrations to 
bring attention to his case.

The motivation for the encampment is very simple: to let the 
powers that be and the repressive forces that protect their 
private property know that the movement is not going to rely 
on the bourgeois courts to free Abu-Jamal--that only the 
power of the people's movement can liberate Mumia Abu-Jamal 
and all political prisoners.

The ruling class will receive a clear message that the two-
day encampment is just a dress rehearsal for continuing 
organized mass resistance to their attempts to silence Abu-
Jamal though a legal lynching.

Activists from all over the country are being encouraged to 
bring their sleeping bags, tents, food and water to camp out 
at City Hall in Philadelphia. The encampment will begin at 5 
p.m. on May 11. A hip-hop concert in support of Abu-Jamal 
will begin some time that evening.

Organizing meetings for the encampment are taking place on 
Wednesday evenings in Philadelphia. The International 
Concerned Family and Friends for Mumia Abu-Jamal and the 
National People's Campaign are sponsoring these meetings.

Betsey Piette, a leading member of the NPC, told Workers 
World: "There seems to be a high level of enthusiasm for the 
encampment. This past Wednesday's meeting was very well 
attended, including members of a hip-hop group who will be 
performing on May 11. They belong to a group called AWOL, an 
anti-military group that is involved in anti-Junior-ROTC 
work in area high schools.

"These multinational youth are organizing an activity for 
May 10 to help build the encampment. Calling it 'guerrilla 
artists in action', they want to go around the communities 
in Philadelphia with a small truck and a small group of hip-
hop artists and others to do outreach for the encampment, 
particularly targeting high schools."

A welcoming committee for the May 11-13 encampment is also 
being organized out of these meetings to help organize 
logistics, including portable toilets, food, housing 
alternatives, medical and legal teams and much more. Readers 
can call 215-476-5416 or 215-724-1618 for more information 
about joining this committee or attending the meetings.

Besides the hip-hop concert, there are two other important 
activities being organized in Philadelphia for that weekend. 
On May 12, there will be a march and rally to build support 
for Abu-Jamal. And on the final day of the encampment, there 
will be a program in tribute to those 11 children, women and 
men who were slaughtered by the Philadelphia authorities 
during the infamous MOVE bombing on May 13, 1985.

Readers can go to www.mumia2000.org or www.iacenter.org to 
download the May 11-13 leaflet.

- END -

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