Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 10, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


Special to Workers World

A four-page newspaper is being distributed throughout 
Philadelphia to tell people about the May 12th demonstration 
and Camp Free Mumia. Published by Millions for Mumia, its 
headline, "Bush stole the election--Stop him from killing 
Mumia Abu-Jamal," grabs attention.

Thirty-five thousand copies have been printed. The 
publication has articles in English and Spanish.

"We've been dropping off bundles of these papers in beauty 
parlors, barber shops, laundromats and stores," said Steve 
Millies, a railroad worker and Workers World Party member. 
"We want to reach the working class about Mumia Abu-Jamal 
being framed and facing execution. That's why we go to the 
neighborhoods where workers live and shop."

Volunteers report they've been getting a great response. 
People ask for additional copies to give to friends.

According to Millies, distributions will be carried out in 
Camden, N.J., as well. This depressed Black city--across the 
Delaware River from Philadelphia--has been thrown into even 
greater poverty by plant closings at RCA, Campbell Soup and 
other factories.

Among the articles in this "Mumia newspaper" is one about 
Philadelphia having the second-highest electric rates in the 
country. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge brags that the state is 
number one in deregulating the electric industry.

Deregulation, the article points out, leads to utility shut-
offs. Just as Ridge wants to sign Mumia Abu-Jamal's death 
warrant, he is already doing so for poor neighborhoods. 
Deadly fires are rampant in areas where people must use 
dangerous kerosene heaters to keep from freezing.

- END -

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