Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 10, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


Two mass murderers who learned their killing techniques from 
the Pentagon have been in the news: ex-Senator, ex-Navy Seal 
and confessed killer of Vietnamese civilians Robert Kerrey 
and convicted and confessed Oklahoma City mass murderer 
Timothy McVeigh.

The two probably don't think of themselves as having much in 
common. Kerrey considers himself a law-abiding citizen who 
served his country. McVeigh likes to posture as a lone 
fighter against an oppressive tyranny in Washington. Yet 
they both became tools of a racist system of oppression and 

Kerrey was a Navy Seal. That is, he was a trained killer, a 
shark with brains. Given the description of his group's 
duties, he was part of Operation Phoenix, a plan to 
assassinate civilian political leaders of the National 
Liberation Front of Vietnam. It meant killing the equivalent 
of town and village mayors who were suspected of 
sympathizing with what the U.S. occupying forces and their 
puppets called the "Vietcong."

It also meant killing any civilians--politically active or 
not, grandparents and children--who had the misfortune of 
being in a position to compromise the military operation the 
Seals were carrying out. Or those who might testify against 
the murderers afterward. Kerrey said it was hard to carry 
out these killings. It's like that moment of decision when 
you are drowning kittens, he once explained to a college 
class after his role in the war was over.

In February 1969, when he led his unit in a massacre, Kerrey 
was a 25-year-old officer. Older than most U.S. youths 
drafted to fight in Vietnam. Not as old as the cynical 
politicians, generals, CIA officials and other executives of 
the Johnson and Nixon administrations who dreamt up 
Operation Phoenix, carpet bombing, napalm and Agent Orange 
for a war against an entire population. Those who 
orchestrated this war of imperialist aggression knew exactly 
what they were doing: keeping the world safe for the profits 
of the multinational corporations. All of these master 
criminals, like Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger, have 
gone unpunished for their war crimes. It looks like Kerrey 
will also go unpunished for being their tool.

McVeigh, on the other hand, never quite made the grade. He 
hoped for an Army career, won a Bronze Star in the brutal 
U.S.-led war against Iraq, boasted of killing some Iraqis 
and being on security for General Norman Schwarzkopf. He was 
a low-level tool for another master war criminal. When he 
tried to raise his level by becoming a Green Beret--an Army 
version of the Navy Seals--he failed to make the grade.

Dumped from the Army, McVeigh had no officially sanctioned 
imperialist outlet for his backward and murderous 
sentiments. He joined the Ku Klux Klan. He hung around ultra-
right militias. And he turned against the government that--
under slightly different circumstances--might have gone on 
paying him to kill in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Colombia, or 
wherever. But he kept the same racist sentiments that made 
him useful in Iraq. He just bombed the "wrong" target.

McVeigh showed how close he was to the official military 
when he explained his limited remorse for killing 25 
children. "That's a large amount of collateral damage," he 
told his biographer. He used the euphemism for war crimes 
that will forever be attached to Jamie Shea, a British 
official who spoke for NATO during the bombing of Yugoslavia 
but was coached by Clinton, Albright and Co.

McVeigh may pretend to be a rebel, but he's just a racist 
tool who was discarded by his masters. Now they hope that by 
executing him they can completely cut loose from the 
responsibility they have for creating him in the first 

In Kerrey's day, the term "collateral damage" was not yet in 
use. Plus the murders were close up--not by guided missile 
from a ship in the Mediterranean or the Persian Gulf. Kerrey 
claims to feel remorse for what he did in Vietnam.

Before people get caught up in the media spin on this story 
and start feeling sorry for Kerrey, they should consider 
that there were other choices. There were U.S. youths 
ordered into the military who refused the draft. There were 
troops ordered to Vietnam who refused to go. There were 
troops whose experience in Vietnam taught them they must 
refuse to fight, or that they should fight instead against 
the officers who ordered them into battle. A few went over 
to the side of the Vietnamese liberation fighters.

Some went to jail, others went into exile, many paid dearly 
for their courage in refusing to fight against a people's 
war. But none of them has any reason to feel remorse. Kerrey 
was honored as a hero, but these youths were the real U.S. 
heroes of the Vietnam War and far too little praise is given 
to their acts of courage.

Kerrey and McVeigh, on the other hand, are just imperialist 

- END -

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