Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the May 24, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Frank Neisser

In another in a series of Boston-area campus protests, 100 
students and staff of Roxbury Community College rallied at 
lunchtime May 10 in front of the school's Administration 
Building to protest continued neglect of student needs and 
harassment of staff.

According to RCC's own mission statement, "Roxbury Community 
College is an urban college, which has both the expectation 
and obligation to serve, with excellence, communities with 
predominantly minority and recent immigrant populations."

Concerned Students and Staff of RCC were protesting the 
school's failure to serve Roxbury, Boston's largest African 
American community.

Students demanded chalk and erasers in classrooms, a 
cafeteria, books and a librarian for the library, paint and 
repair of facilities, and adequate toilet paper and toilet 

They also demanded preference for RCC pre-nursing students 
for admission to RCC's own LPN and RN nursing programs, an 
end to harassment and witch hunts against the adjunct 
teaching staff, responsiveness from the administration, 
replacement of Provost Janice Jones, filling of the 
positions of teachers who have left but not been replaced, 
and that students and staff be treated with dignity and 

Over the past several weeks students have met with the deans 
to discuss these demands, but have received no response.

At the rally, some nursing students explained their problem. 
After completing the pre-nursing program at RCC, they found 
themselves not admitted to RCC's own nursing programs.

The pre-nursing program is supposed to be designed to 
support the students from the Roxbury community, but they 
receive no preference for admission to the regular nursing 

Robert Traynham, a Boston school bus driver, told the rally 
that students in the Boston public schools face some of the 
same conditions and issues. He also conveyed solidarity from 
students sitting in at the Afro-American Institute at 
Northeastern University.

Other speakers linked the struggle at RCC to the three-week-
long sit-in at Harvard University that had just won some 
demands in the struggle for a living wage for all Harvard 
University workers.

The RCC students also protested arbitrary dismissal and 
reassignment of staff. One staff member in the registrar's 
office who addressed the crowd was barred from entering the 
administration building. The students chanted: "Let him in! 
Let him in!"

When RCC President Dr. Grace Brown came to speak to the 
students, she told them that their demands were being taken 
seriously and would be considered. This vague promise failed 
to satisfy the students, who continued to demand an 
immediate response.

Several faculty and staff also expressed support for the 
student's demands at the rally. Over the past several 
months, teachers of color at the college have found that 
their personnel files have been arbitrarily reviewed
and they have been found "unqualified" to teach courses they 
have taught for years. In many cases these courses
have been assigned to new white staff members.

Among the speakers was Terry Marshall, who as a student at 
RCC led a student sit-in in the Administration Building 
three years ago, where many of the same demands were raised. 
As the rally ended, the students vowed to continue their 
protests and actions until all their current demands are 

- END -

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