Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 14, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Preston Wood

The AIDS epidemic reveals the inner workings of the profit 
system known as capitalism.

In June 1981, a bulletin from the Centers for Disease 
Control in Washington reported the mysterious deaths of five 
gay men in Los Angeles from pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 
That was the first official report of the disease that would 
come to be known as AIDS.

Today more than 22 million people worldwide have died from 
the disease and tens of millions more are infected.

When the epidemic first burgeoned it was labeled "gay 
cancer" by some and G.R.I.D--Gay-Related Immune Disease--by 
others. This public health crisis earned only scorn from 
then-President Ronald Reagan, who choked on even mentioning 
the crisis by name for years, and wrath from his rich 
country club friends around the country.

While the crisis provided the opportunity for right-wing 
bigots to re-energize their campaign against gay and lesbian 
rights, the virus obviously did not discriminate. 
Revelations that AIDS could be spread through blood products 
and heterosexual intercourse signaled the impending epidemic 
that would eventually span the globe, leaving millions 
infected and dying.

Seeing their community devastated by the epidemic, gay, 
lesbian, bisexual and transgendered activists and their 
allies in the progressive movement took to the streets by 
the thousands with cries of "Act up! Fight back! Money for 
AIDS, not for war!"

In the face of growing public concern and anger the 
government, silent for years, was forced to begin dealing 
with the crisis by allocating some funds for research and 


Over the years, especially the first 10 years, the AIDS 
crisis exposed many things about the U.S. and its rulers:

The underlying bigotry against gay and bisexual men as well 
as racism left the system paralyzed to deal with the crisis.

The total dependence on healthcare-for-profits sent AIDS 
research spiraling downward. Instead, competing 
pharmaceuticals frantically searched for a vaccine or cure, 
hoping to strike gold. The anarchy of producing for the 
market rather than to meet human needs meant the 
pharmaceuticals worked in secrecy, even attempting to 
sabotage the efforts of their competitors.

And in an act of genocide, profit-hungry U.S. 
pharmaceuticals turned their backs on the masses of people 
in Africa and Asia, where the epidemic was spinning out of 
control. Anti-viral treatments developed in the 1990s were 
strictly "pay as you go." That resulted in no help for the 
suffering people of Africa and the poor and oppressed here 
in this country.

AIDS was first detected in the United States. Responsibility 
for the ensuing global epidemic lies at the feet of U.S. 
imperialism and its profit system.

Socialist Cuba, on the other hand, managed to avert disaster 
by moving quickly to contain the epidemic. AIDS was not 
labeled a "gay disease" in Cuba. The disease first struck a 
significant number of Cubans who had been exposed to the 
virus while volunteering their country's help in Africa.

All health care is provided free of cost for the entire 
Cuban population. Not containing the epidemic could have 
overwhelmed and seriously undermined the great successes of 
the Cuban Revolution.

Since Cuba is an island it was possible to quarantine those 
suffering from the virus. This quarantine was not punitive 
in the way right-wing elements in this country threatened to 
"round up gays." Those quarantined got the best health-care 
facilities available. And it enabled the workers' state, 
economically hard hit by the illegal U.S. economic blockade, 
to provide humane, concentrated care for HIV-positive women 
and men with AIDS. It saved the lives of countless people.

And the Cuban government initiated universal testing and a 
broad education program that helped contain the epidemic.


Today the AIDS crisis is far from over. New studies suggest 
a resurgence of infection among gay men in the U.S., 
especially gay Black men.

CDC official Dr. Linda Valleroy notes that among Black gay 
men the numbers of new exposures are especially alarming: 
14.7 percent, compared to 3.5 percent among Latino gay men 
and 2.5 percent among white gay men.

"This is a strong and troubling indicator that the HIV 
epidemic will continue to expand," Valleroy said. "These are 
explosive HIV incidence rates that underscore the need to 
reach each generation of at-risk gay men early."

And the AIDS crisis continues to be a disaster for all of 
humanity. As long as capitalism is the predominant mode of 
production in the world, any hope of a centralized plan to 
deal with the crisis is elusive at best. In fact, the AIDS 
crisis has contributed to throwing the U.S. profit-based 
healthcare system into near collapse, draining the resources 
of cities all across the country to the tune of billions of 

AIDS is a globalized disease. Millions of Africans are 
suffering from the epidemic.

Oppressed nations from Brazil to India--in massive debt to 
the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and other 
imperialist entities--are helpless to provide treatments or 
care to their people.

It is very probable that today the U.S. corporate and 
banking rulers would like to put the epidemic behind them. 
It has cost too much and contributed too much instability to 
their vast empire.

But their very system, with its inherent bigotry and thirst 
for greater profits, prevents them from addressing the 
terrible epidemic known as AIDS in a scientific and humane 

Only the revival of a strong, independent and militant 
movement can force them to deal effectively with the crisis.

- END -

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