Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 5, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper

Koreans From North and South Present Evidence

By John Catalinotto
New York

Fifty years of enforced silence were broken on June 23 when 
Korean victims of U.S. war crimes finally had the chance to 
tell an International War Crimes Tribunal about what had 
happened to them.

Some 600 people attended the historic gathering at the 
Interchurch Center of Riverside Church. Large delegations of 
Koreans came from South Korea, Japan, Canada and Germany, as 
well as from all over the U.S. Most evidence was presented 
in Korean and English to the multinational audience.

The U.S. State Department had refused visas to a delegation 
of 11 lawyers bringing evidence from the Democratic People's 
Republic of Korea. The South Korean government had barred 
some witnesses from boarding planes to the U.S., sparking 
protests in Seoul.

Tribunal organizers saw this as proof that both Washington 
and Seoul fear the impact of the truth about the U.S.'s 
colonial relationship with Korea.

The testimony of victims from North Korea was presented via 

Listening intently to the evidence were over two dozen 
jurists from 17 countries. Twelve of these countries 
participated in the 1950-1953 war against Korea. After four 
sessions of deliberating over the testimony, this jury 
unanimously found the U.S. government and military guilty of 
19 counts of war crimes committed against Korea from 1945 
until 2001.


The tribunal was the culmination of over a year's work by 
the Korea Truth Commission, which had been formed after the 
exposure of U.S. atrocities against Korean civilians at No 
Gun Ri during the Korean War.

The KTC enlisted the aid in the U.S. of the International 
Action Center and Veterans for Peace, and the cooperation of 
many other organizations internationally. Yoomi Jeong of the 
KTC and Sara Flounders of the IAC co-chaired the tribunal.

Former South Korean Supreme Court Justice Byun Jung Soo and 
former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark--who drafted the 
original indictment against the U.S. at the KTC request--
were the chief prosecutors.

Opening the prosecution, Byun noted that "U.S. crimes have 
been suppressed and covered up" and should be revealed in 
detail. People from North and South Korea have come together 
in the tribunal movement, he said. They hope the tribunal 
work will serve as an example for those who want the 
reunification of the two Koreas.

Clark pointed out that the U.S. military went into Korea in 
September 1945 to "stop Soviet troops and they divided the 
Korean people in half, putting into power a military 
government in the south that used brutal means to eliminate 
every form of sympathy with Koreans in the north."

When war broke out in 1950, the U.S. declared North Korea 
"Indian Territory," Clark said. This was a racist term 
meaning a free-fire zone. The invading troops killed 3.5 
million civilians in three years. Washington has kept up the 
"torture of economic sanctions" since.

Clark explained the KTC's decision to focus not only on the 
U.S. slaughter of civilians during the 1950-1953 Korean War, 
but also on the periods that preceded and followed it: 
first, the repression and murder of leftists from 1945 to 
1950, and later the U.S. occupation of the south and 
economic sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic 
of Korea in the north following the 1953 truce.


Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, legal representative of the 
Partnership for Civil Justice in Washington, presented the 
prosecution's brief for the 1945 to 1950 period. She 
instructed the jury that during this period the U.S. 
committed "crimes against peace," which were defined at 
Nuremberg as the most serious of all war crimes.

As an example of the political persecution and outright 
slaughter by the U.S.-backed military regime in the south 
during this period, the tribunal heard the testimony of 
witness Lee Do Young regarding the massacre of a quarter of 
the population of Cheju Island after an uprising in the 
spring of 1948. The island lies off the southern coast of 
the Korean peninsula.

Lee said he was still frightened that the regime might 
punish him for presenting his testimony. Indeed, Seoul 
stopped some of the Cheju witnesses from coming to the 

Lee's own father, who had worked for the rural government, 
was killed later, in August 1950, for alleged participation 
in the uprising on the island. His story brought up an 
additional aspect--the U.S.-backed slaughter of hundreds of 
thousands of leftists and activists in South Korea in the 
summer of 1950.

Lee said he found one person who confessed to executing his 
father, but that person's superior officer denied it.


Prosecutor Shim Jae Hwan spoke on behalf of those Koreans 
killed by the U.S. military in South Korea. "The U.S. 
brought in massive military force and killed innocent 
people, brutalized women, young and old," Shim said. "The 
U.S. must admit its crimes, apologize for them and 
compensate the Korean people."

A half-dozen witnesses from South Korea then came forward to 
describe U.S. atrocities. Their stories, which they had been 
unable to tell for 50 years, caused many in the audience to 
weep. Any criticism of the U.S. was interpreted as sympathy 
with the DPRK and was punishable under the National Security 
Law, so they had had to swallow their suffering in silence.

One witness told of a pond near his home village. When 
drained, it yielded five truckloads of bodies. Outside the 
auditorium were exhibits showing the location and details of 
this and other atrocities. He said that some 3,500 people 
were killed in his area.

Kang Soo Jo, who had been a young girl when she lost her 
mother to the war, told of being shot in the leg. She showed 
her mangled leg and foot to the audience. In fury she 
demanded the U.S. either "return things to the way they were 
before or give compensation for my suffering."

A man from a northern province of South Korea told of being 
bombed non-stop by U.S. B-29s. "We raised South Korean flags 
to say hello, but were surprised by bombs. I lost my mother 
and father. Fifty-nine people were killed in that attack," 
he said, out of 450 people killed altogether in the village 
and environs.

U.S. officials claimed what happened was an error, he said, 
but then bombed again for 40 minutes a few days later.

An "error," was made, another survivor said, when U.S. 
planes bombed and machine-gunned a boat carrying refugees 
and flying the South Korean flag. Some "150 people were 
killed in the bombing. Others were shot on the stairwell 
trying to leave the boat."

That U.S. commanders considered these to be "errors" only 
means that the attacks were meant for civilians who might be 
sympathetic to the north. Either way, attacks on civilians 
are war crimes.


Attorney Lennox Hinds, the permanent representative to the 
United Nations of the International Association of 
Democratic Lawyers, led the prosecution's presentation on 
civilian massacres in the north. He also raised the U.S. use 
of biological and chemical warfare.

Hinds introduced into evidence a study made in 1952 by an 
eight-member delegation from his organization at the 
invitation of the DPRK. This IADL study showed evidence of 
mass murders, massacres and other atrocities that violated 
Article 16 and Article 6A of the Nuremburg Laws, said Hinds.

It also showed that the U.S. used weapons banned by the 
articles of war, including bacteriological and chemical 
weapons. U.S. planes had dropped canisters containing flies 
and other insects infected with plague, cholera and other 
epidemic diseases. A letter was then read to the tribunal 
from Stephen Endicott, whose research into declassified 
documents appears in the book "The United States and 
Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and 

Expert witness Anne Katrin-Becker of Germany told of U.S.-
led massacres that killed one-fourth of the population of 
Sinchon province--35,383 people--mostly elderly people, non-
combatant women and children. In October 1950, U.S. troops 
forced 900 people into a building and burned it to death, 
and in another area 1,000 women were drowned.

In a video the KTC made earlier this spring in North Korea, 
survivors testified of U.S. atrocities carried out against 
their villages and loved ones. The crimes were similar to 
those in the south, but with no pretense of "error."

Former U.S. bomber pilot Charles Overby confessed to his own 
role in dropping 40 bombs each run, each with 500 pounds of 
TNT, on the population of North Korea.


The fourth prosecutor, Kim Seung Kyo, addressed crimes 
against humanity committed from 1953 to 2001, including 
political repression, military dictatorship, U.S. troop 
occupation, the infamous National Security Law that led to 
charges against a million South Koreans, the torture of 
political prisoners, the massacre after the 1980 Kwangju 
uprising, and U.S. Air Force bombing practice at Maehyang-

Ismael Guadalupe of the Committee for the Rescue and 
Development of Vieques testified on the U.S. Navy's use of 
his island as a bombing practice range and expressed his 
solidarity with the Koreans at Maehyang-ri. The work of the 
tribunal has furthered Korean-Puerto Rican solidarity.

Other presentations included IAC West Coast coordinator 
Gloria La Riva on the struggle of the Daewoo workers, Sandra 
Smith from Canada on the deprivations caused by sanctions, 
and former German Admiral Elmar Schmaehling on U.S. plans 
for a National Missile Defense.

The tribunal showed cooperation between North and South 
Korean organizations, as well as solidarity of the U.S. anti-
war movement with the Korean Truth Commission, which is 
rooted in mass organizations in South Korea.

KTC Secretary General Rev. Kiyul Chung, Brian Willson of 
Veterans for Peace and Brian Becker of the IAC ended the 
presentations with political analyses of the tribunal and a 
call for continued activity by all the participants to help 
get U.S. troops out of Korea and allow the Koreans to 
reunify their country.




The Members of the Korea International War Crimes Tribunal, 
meeting in New York, having considered the Indictment for 
Offenses Committed by the Government of the United States of 
America Against the People of Korea, 1945-2001, which 
charges all U.S. Presidents, all Secretaries of State, all 
Secretaries of Defense, all Secretaries of the armed 
services, all Chiefs of Staff, all heads of the Central 
Intelligence Agency and other U.S. foreign intelligence 
agencies, all Directors of the National Security Agency, all 
National Security Advisors, all U.S. military commanders in 
Korea and commanders of units which participated in war 
crimes, over the period from 1945 to the present, with 
nineteen separate War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace and 
Crimes Against Humanity in violation of the Charter of the 
United Nations, the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal, the 
Hague Regulations of 1907, the Geneva Protocol of 1925, the 
1929 and 1949 Geneva Conventions, the Convention on the 
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948, 
other international agreements and customary international 
law, the laws of the United States, the laws of Korea and 
the laws of other nations that have been forced to provide 
bases, support and military personnel for United States 
actions against Korea;

having the right and obligation as citizens of the world to 
sit in judgment regarding violations of international 
humanitarian law;

having heard the testimony from various hearings of the 
Korea Truth Commission held over the past year and having 
received evidence from various other Commission hearings 
which recite the evidence there gathered;

having been provided with documentary evidence, eyewitness 
testimonies, photos, videotapes, special reports, expert 
analyses and summaries of evidence available to the Korea 
Truth Commission;

having access to all evidence, knowledge and expert opinion 
in the Commission files or available to the Commission 

having considered the Report from the Korean Truth 
Commission (South) on U.S. War Crimes During the Korean War, 
providing eyewitness accounts by survi vors of massacres of 
civilians in farming villages in southern Korea by U.S. 
military forces during the 1950-53 war;

having considered the Report from the Democratic People's 
Republic of Korea (DPRK) on U.S. War Crimes During the 
Korean War, prepared by the Investigation Committee of the 
National Front for Democratic Reunification, providing 
details on war crimes and crimes against humanity committed 
in the north by the U.S. from June to December 1950;

having been provided by the Commission, or otherwise 
obtained, various books, articles and other written 
materials on various aspects of events and conditions in 
Korea, and in the military and arms establishments;

having heard the presentations of the Korea Truth Commission 
in public hearing on June 23, 2001, and the testimony, 
evidence and summaries there presented;

having considered the testimonies of those Koreans denied 
visas to personally attend the hearings by the governments 
of the U.S. and the Republic of Korea (ROK), but presented 
in the form of videotaped interviews and documents;

having been informed that the Korea Truth Commission gave 
ample opportunity to U.S. government defendants to attend 
and present evidence in their defense, which up to the 
moment of this verdict they have been unable or unwilling to 

and having met, considered and deliberated with each other 
and with Commission staff and having considered all the 
evidence that is relevant to the nineteen charges of 
criminal conduct alleged in the Initial Complaint, make the 
following findings:


The Members of the International War Crimes Tribunal find 
the accused Guilty on the basis of the evidence against 
them: each of the nineteen separate crimes alleged in the 
Initial Complaint has been established to have been 
committed beyond a reasonable doubt. The Members find these 
crimes to have occurred during three main periods in the 
U.S. intervention in and occupation of Korea.

The best-known period is from June 25, 1950, until July 27, 
1953, the "Korean War," when over 4.6 million Koreans 
perished, according to conservative Western estimates, 
including 3 million civilians in the north and 500,000 
civilians in the south. The evidence of U.S. war crimes 
presented to this Tribunal included eyewitness testimony and 
documentary accounts of massacres of thousands of civilians 
in southern Korea by U.S. military forces during the war. 
Abundant evidence was also presented concerning criminal and 
even genocidal U.S. conduct in northern Korea, including the 
systematic leveling of most buildings and dwellings by U.S. 
artillery and aerial bombardment; widespread atrocities 
committed by U.S. and R.O.K. forces against civilians and 
prisoners of war; the deliberate destruction of facilities 
essential to civilian life and economic production; and the 
use of illegal weapons and biological and chemical warfare 
by the U.S. against the people and the environment of 
northern Korea. Documentary and eyewitness evidence was also 
presented showing gross and systematic violence committed 
against women in northern and southern Korea, characterized 
by mass rapes, sexual assaults and murders.

Less known but of crucial importance in understanding the 
war period is the preceding five years, from the landing of 
U.S. troops in Korea on September 8, 1945, to the outbreak 
of the war. The Members of the Tribunal examined extensive 
evidence of U.S. crimes against peace and crimes against 
humanity in this period. The Members conclude that the U.S. 
government acted to divide Korea against the will of the 
vast majority of the people, limit its sovereignty, create a 
police state in southern Korea using many former 
collaborators with Japanese rule, and provoke tension and 
threats between southern and northern Korea, opposing and 
disrupting any plans for peaceful reunification. In this 
period the U.S. trained, directed and supported the ROK in 
systematic murder, imprisonment, torture, surveillance, 
harassment and violations of human rights of hundreds of 
thousands of people, especially of those individuals or 
groups considered nationalists, leftists, peasants seeking 
land reform, union organizers and/or those sympathetic to 
the north.

The Members find that in the period from July 1953 to the 
present, the U.S. has continued to maintain a powerful 
military force in southern Korea, backed by nuclear weapons, 
in violation of international law and intended to obstruct 
the will of the Korean people for reunification. Military 
occupation has been accompanied by the organized sexual 
exploitation of Korean women, frequently leading to violence 
and even murder of women by U.S. soldiers who have felt 
above the law. U.S.-imposed economic sanctions have 
impoverished and debilitated the people of northern Korea, 
leading to a reduction of life expectancy, widespread 
malnutrition and even starvation in a country that once 
exported food. The refusal of the U.S. government to grant 
visas to a delegation from the Democratic People's Republic 
of Korea who planned to attend this Tribunal only confirms 
the criminal intent of the defendants to isolate those whom 
they have abused to prevent them from telling their story to 
the world.

In all these 55 years, the U.S. government has 
systematically manipulated, controlled, directed, 
misinformed and restricted press and media coverage to 
obtain consistent support for its military intervention, 
occupation and crimes against the people of Korea. It has 
also inculcated racist attitudes within the U.S. troops and 
general population that prepared them to commit and/or 
accept atrocities and genocidal policies against the Korean 

It has violated the Constitution of the United States, the 
delegation of powers over war and the military, the Bill of 
Rights, the UN Charter, international law and the laws of 
the ROK, DPRK, People's Republic of China, Japan and many 
others, in its lawless determination to exercise its will 
over the Korean peninsula.

The Members of the Korea International War Crimes Tribunal 
hold the United States government and its leaders 
accountable for these criminal acts and condemn those found 
guilty in the strongest possible terms.


The Members call for the immediate end of U.S. occupation of 
all Korean territory, the removal of all U.S. bases, forces 
and materiel, including land mines, from the region, the 
rectification of environmental damage, and the cessation of 
overt and covert operations against northern Korea.

The Members urge the immediate revocation of all embargoes, 
sanctions and penalties against northern Korea because they 
constitute a continuing crime against humanity.

The Members call for emergency funds to be provided to the 
people of northern Korea through the Democratic People's 
Republic of Korea to feed the hungry and care for the sick, 
whose suffering is a direct result of U.S. policies.

The Members call for reparations to be paid by the U.S. 
government to all of Korea to compensate for the damage 
inflicted by 55 years of violence and economic warfare.

The Members further call for an immediate end to all 
interference by the U.S. aimed at preventing the people of 
Korea from reunifying as they choose.

The Members call for the U.S. government to make full 
disclosure of all information about U.S. crimes and wrongful 
acts committed in Korea since September 7, 1945.

The Members urge the Commission to provide for the permanent 
preservation of the reports, evidence and materials gathered 
to make them available to others, and to seek ways to 
provide the widest possible distribution of the truth about 
U.S. crimes in Korea.

We urge all people of the world to act on recommendations 
developed by the Commission to hold power accountable and to 
secure social justice on which lasting peace must be based.

Done in New York this 23rd day of June, 2001



Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General; Joint Chief 
Prosecutor for Tribunal

Byun Jung Soo, former Korea Supreme Court Justice; Joint 
Chief Prosecutor for Tribunal

Lennox Hinds, U.S., UN Permanent Representative, 
International Association of Democratic Lawyers

Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, U.S., Legal Representative, 
Partnership for Civil Justice

Shim Jae Hwan, South Korean Legal Team for the Korea Truth 

Kim Seung Kyo, South Korean Legal Team for the Korea Truth 


Jitendra Sharma, India, former Supreme Court Justice

Brian Willson, U.S., lawyer and Vietnam Veteran


Malcolm Cannon, Australia, lifelong peace and anti-war 

Miche Doumen, Belgium, spokesperson for Solidarity 

Sandra Smith, Canada, People's Front

Judi Cheng, Chinese American activist; graduate student
at Hunter College School for Health Science

Gustavo Torrez, Colombia, human rights activist and 
Executive Director, Casa de Maryland

Guy Dupre, France, President, International Liaison 
Committee for Peace and Reunification of Korea

Hugo Bernard, France, former Senator, French National 

Wolfgang Richter, Germany, President of the Society for
the Protection of Civil Rights and Human Dignity, e.v. GBM

Benjamin Dupuy, Haiti, former Haitian Ambassador to U.S. & 

Hari P. Sharma, India, Professor Emeritus of Sociology
at Simon Fraser University

Oh Jong Ryul, Korea, National President, National Alliance 
for Democracy and Reunification of Korea (prevented from 
leaving South Korea by Seoul government)

Yun Young Moo, Korea, former Korean Independence fighter;
lifelong reunification activist

Catherine Dujon, Luxemburg, International Section,
Anti-Imperialist League

Ben Fama, Netherlands, son of Dutch
Korean War veteran who opposed the war

Margaret Sanner, Norway, Women's Front of Norway

Edre Olalia, Philippines, Legal Consultant to the National 
Democratic Front of the Philippines Negotiating Panel

Arnedo Valera, Philippines, Legal Consultant to the National 
Democratic Front of the Philippines Negotiating Panel

Berta Joubert-Ceci, Puerto Rico, Vieques activist;
National People's Campaign

Jorge Farinacci, Puerto Rico, Senior Legal Council to the
Puerto Rican labor movement

Gail Coulson, South Africa, Executive Secretary, Asia 
Pacific Desk, General Board of Global Ministries, UMC

Dundak Gurses, Turkey, lawyer, International Association
of People's Lawyers

Charles Overby, U.S., professor, University of Ohio; author;
retired U.S. Air Force pilot

Deirdre Griswold, U.S., Editor, Workers World newspaper;
Secretariat member of 1967 Bertrand Russell
International War Crimes Tribunal

Felton May, U.S., Resident Bishop at Baltimore-Washington
Conference of United Methodist Church

Karen Talbot, U.S., Journalist; President, International 
for Peace and Justice

Wilson Powell, U.S. Korean War veteran

Milos Raickovich, Yugoslavia, internationally renowned 

- END -

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