Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 12, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper



By Deirdre Griswold

How are the big decisions really made? The story is that we 
live in a transparent society where elected bodies make the 
decisions and the will of the majority prevails. But in real 
life most important events have been set into motion long 
before the people know anything about it.

The Vietnam War, for example. Most people in the United 
States knew nothing about Vietnam--hadn't even heard of it--
when the government had already been involved in a war there 
for years.

Who decided that the United States should make atomic 
weapons and drop them on two Japanese cities, killing 
several hundred thousand people? Not the public. They knew 
nothing about it.

But a select group of corporate heads, political leaders and 
technocrats knew about it. In fact, the Manhattan Project to 
create the atomic bomb was agreed on during a super-secret 
conclave in 1942--at Bohemian Grove, Calif.

This July 14, thousands of demonstrators will converge on 
Bohemian Grove when, once again, the members of this secret 
society gather for their annual two-week bash. There are 
2,500 members of the Bohemian Club--all men, 99 percent 
white, all connected to the very rich. Every Republican 
president since Herbert Hoover has been a member, and quite 
a few Democrats. George W. Bush belongs, just like his 
father, George, and his grandfather, Prescott Bush.

Heads of corporations and banks like IBM, Dupont, General 
Electric, Bank of America and the World Bank have also been 
members. Peter Phillips of Sonoma State University wrote in 
his 1994 dissertation about the Bohemian Club: "About one-
fifth of the members are either directors of one or more of 
the Fortune 1000 companies, corporate CEOs, top governmental 
officials (current and former) and/or members of important 
policy councils or major foundations."

The International Action Center chapters in San Francisco 
and Los Angeles are among the sponsors of this year's 
demonstration, which has a long list of endorsers from the 
progressive and anti-globalization community. Contact the 
IAC at (415) 821-5782 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] for information on 
buses to Monte Rio, Calif., where the demonstration will 
take place.

- END -

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