Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 12, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


One of these days soon, many people who filed federal income 
tax returns this year will get a $300 check in the mail--
$600 for couples who filed jointly. President Bush is 
certain to jump before the cameras and take credit for this 
"windfall" of the tax cut bill; he has already made sure 
that a pre-notification letter with his name on it was sent 
out at a cost of $29 million.

Anyone who has resisted playing three-card monte or which-
shell-covers-the-pea will recognize this check from the 
Internal Revenue Service as the biggest accounting trick of 
all time.

What is being hidden here is the intention to further 
slaughter social services once the tax cut--which is nothing 
but a huge giveaway to the rich--reduces the budget surplus. 
Having lulled the public with this initial check, the 
marauding bandits in Washington and on Wall Street will then 
proceed with their onslaught against Social Security, 
Medicare, public education, and all useful government 

But not the Pentagon, of course. Nor the CIA nor the bloated 
police and prison system. After all, this is what the state 
is all about: repressing the people.

Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill, who was actually 
introduced as a "moderate" in the Bush cabinet of flaming 
right wingers, recently lifted the lid somewhat on what is 
in the minds of this cabal of capitalist crooks.

O'Neill was the head of Alcoa, the world's biggest aluminum 
company, before coming to Washington. By the way, under his 
stewardship, Alcoa didn't pay one cent of corporate taxes in 
1996, even though it enjoyed profits of $399 million. In 
fact, it even got a "rebate" of $17.6 million from the 
federal government through the wizardry of its accountants.

In an interview with the Financial Times published on May 
21, O'Neill said he's for eliminating the corporate income 
tax and capital gains taxes altogether. And he went even 
further. On Social Security and Medicare, the Treasury 
Secretary said: "Able-bodied adults should save enough on a 
regular basis so that they can provide for their own 
retirement and for that matter for their health and medical 
needs." So there shouldn't be any government retirement 
plans or health care plans for "able-bodied adults."

O'Neill, in other words, wants to go back more than 65 years 
to the days when the robber barons were unfettered by any 
nuisances such as taxes; workers who hadn't been able to put 
money aside on their meager salaries--there were millions of 
them, of all ages--were begging and dying in the streets.

O'Neill, it should be remembered, is not just a right-wing 
crank spouting off to his cronies. He is a very, very rich 
man with considerable economic and political clout, and he 
is now in charge of the Department of the Treasury, which, 
in its own words, "performs four basic functions: 
formulating and recommending economic, financial, tax, and 
fiscal policies; serving as financial agent for the U.S. 
Government; enforcing the law; and manufacturing coins and 

What could make it clearer that the government serves the 
interests of the billionaire capitalist class, not the 
majority of the people--the workers and their families?

This illustrates a concept that is one of the ABC's of 
Marxism and Leninism. The state is not neutral, it is not a 
buffer between classes, it is not an arbiter. Whatever 
social programs have been administered by the state have 
been wrested from the ruling class through huge mass 
struggles. The state, in essence, is the instrument by which 
the dominant class imposes its rule on the rest of society. 
It will exist as long as there is inequality, haves and have-

Those who fight for socialism, a society based on social 
ownership of the means of production, are for dislodging and 
breaking up the state that serves the capitalist parasites--
people like Paul O'Neill--and replacing it with a state 
beholden to and created by the working class. The objective 
of a workers' state, however, is to create equitable social 
conditions that would dissolve class differences and, with 
them, the state itself. This can only happen if the 
tremendous productive apparatus created by labor is 
liberated from private ownership and taken over for the good 
of society.

The Bush administration thinks they're pulling a fast one 
with their little check in the mail; that they'll be seen as 
champions of the people. But most people have grown a 
healthy skepticism towards the sleight-of-hand of the rich, 
and can recognize a shell game when they see one.

We Marxists say to anyone who actually gets that check: Take 
the money and run. And the best thing you can do with it is 
to make a generous contribution to Workers World and the 
struggle to end capitalist greed forever.

- END -

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